Official thread to practise English v.2.

Normas básicas / Basic rules

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará. // No essays. We are not here to do your homework
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará. // You must write about the topic. If you want to ask something you must contribute to the thread
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará //Do not ask for resources


I need to improve my english' level as soon as possible because I have an interview in a month (and half). what kind of intensive course you can recommend me?

4 meses después

Added to favorites!


Hey, im new to English, yes yes yes tonight

1 respuesta

Either rivers of bullshit or a proper conversational thread. It's up to you...


Nice thread, I didn't know it. Added to favorites.


#93 adeu no, goodbye man!

1 respuesta

#96 o yes i dont know how to enligsh im valencian the poble and i have to study more words jeje


Is this thread still alive?

2 respuestas

I don't see why it shouldn't, some guy in other thread was asking for lookalike MV sites in english when MV is top tier chit-chat parade.


As of now, yes.

I'm thinking about topics to talk, but I'll need time. If any of you want or have any ideas, please go ahead.


#98 It seems so. More like a zombie, but still. Time will tell.


it's been a page by year so far. We can make it better together : D


#98 for you, yeah!


Who else learned english by speaking with other people and reading content in english? Secondary school was as useless as I am in the morning.

For those who want to boost the learning process, add english-spoken media to your routine. Watch movies/series in VOSE, and those you already have seen, watch them again in VOS. Even VO if you feel brave enough. Read the topics you are interested about, but in english. Change Instagram for Reddit. Learn the meaning of your favourite english songs, ...

There's a lot you can do to improve your learning while having fun.

1 3 respuestas

#104 I switched all my content from spanish to english some years ago (Youtube, books, films and so on) and that was the best choice for improving my english. Currently I play multiplayer games with english people and voice chat so I got used to slang and common conversational patterns which you don't learn at any school around here.

Also I use a platform (paid by my employeer) called phoneenglish that pairs you with a teacher for 30mins to 1 hour just to talk about certain topics they choose and it has been great so far.

I think that the only way to improve a language is getting out your comfort zone and start speaking regulary with native people keeping track of your mistakes and fixing them.

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#104 This is what I've saying to my students.

Do you want to learn English? Then take 5 minutes to read, think, speak, listen and watch something in English.

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#106 I would add, try to summarize your day in the language you are learning while having a shower. That forces you to come across some new language and sentence structures that you may not know.


#104 Me as a youngster playing Morrowind with a dictionary at the side, that's how much I loved the game. Other than that it's just like you said, tons of tv shows and movies in VO plus travelling and working abroad (I remember grape picking in France being the most gratifying since we were a crew of 20+ people each from a different country using english as a nexus).


#106 suppose I were one of your students, what advice would you give me to learn phrasal verbs?

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Hey, is the Telegram group still active? I've tried to join but I received an error.

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#110 i don´t know, i left it some time ago because it was dead. In FC there are 2 groups, one of which has more than 2k members, in case you are interested on joining them.

1 respuesta

#111 Thanks, it was just in case there was one active group in MV, a big group of unknown people is too much for me. :)


#109 What I always say: good luck.
It's impossible to study them. There's some that are always there (pick up, make up, take care, etc) and the activities I usually did with my students were to match them with their formal word because as you know phrasal verbs are quite coloquial so most of them (not all) have their formal word. By seeing them, reading them and using them is how you'll be able to know them.

The activy was oral and one student had go back and the other return and by making sentences or trying to explain it they had to match it.

#110 Maybe the link is outdated. The group doesn't have activity because we stopped talking and I just didn't have the time, same with this thread. We can try and idk bring it back to life, but it's still there.

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#113 If you want to give it another try, go ahead, I'm in.

In case it is helpful for anyone, I follow this guy in Facebook and I love his explanations:

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#114 Ok, let's see how it goes this time and hopefully I'll have more time. It's friendly, so the first one to troll, insult or whatever is out.

rn we are 10 people:

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#115 Thanks, I just joined.


Is here were pimpampum conversation?

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#117 Pimpampum indeed, also chit-chat and giggity giggity

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this thread gonna help me so much. I need get the b1 to finish my degree :(

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#118 Ohh eeeeeasy.