Battlefield 2042 #HG | A.K.A el 6


El tema de estadísticas/puntuaciones durante/después de la partida y el chat hiper reducido está aquí para quedarse. Yo os recomiendo que os acostumbréis porque dudo que el curso se cambie, tanto para este juego como para el resto de la industria.

Idealmente preferiría que no quitasen esas cosas pero la inmensa mayoría de veces que se usa el chat es para flamear o soltar mierda y las puntuaciones se usan para flamear a los que no están con buenas marcas de toda la vida. Así que aunque me joda no me desagrada mucho que lo quiten; estoy mayor para aguantar a manlets calvos flamearse mutuamente por chat porque uno tiene un kda 0.23 puntos más alto que el otro.

Otra cosa es la ausencia de datos para integrarlos con otras APIs o en pantallas más generales, ahí ya no me meto.

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#11851 Pues a mí estos cambios no me desagradan pero entiendo que muchos echen en falta la clásica tabla de puntuaciones. Aunque en BF no le doy mucha importancia al KD, se puede inflar fácilmente usando vehículos o jugando en grupo para que te revivan. Además, yo soy de meterme en el objetivo y priorizar la destrucción de vehículos sin que me importe morir.

El chat más de lo mismo, en el 5 lo tenía oculto y en este no he encontrado la forma de hacerlo. Al finalizar las partidas en el 5 todo era spam de "ez" y durante la partida acusaciones de chetos. En 2042 todo se limita a lloros cuando se va perdiendo y palos al juego independientemente del resultado jaja

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#11851 Lo de siempre, proteger el ego de los noobs y llorones para que no vayan al foro a quejarse que les ha farmeado un tío en el heli y se ha hecho un 150-0


6 3 respuestas

#11852 con la H haces toggle/only when active/hide el chat.

La putada del chat es que yo lo usaba para congratular algún enemigo que me había ganado en un 1v1, pero el 99% de la gente lo usaba para flamear al otro bando.


#11811 Es lo mejor para sacar cuantos más puntos mejor y desbloquear armas, accesorios y vehículos básicamente.


#11853 Ya lo decían por reddit, todo se trata de no ofender a nadie. Solo han ofendido a toda la comunidad entera del juego. Se van a comer su juego con patatas.


#11852 yo la verdad que prefiero tener esa info disponible y así puedo tener un marco de referencia para valorarme, pero he jugado ya a unos cuantos juegos nuevos que no tiene nada de eso y tampoco lo echas en falta.

en tu cabeza: vives en una sociedad meritocrática en la que quieren irrumpir en un círculo de élite al que sólo se accede con sudor y sangre
en la realidad: eres un bebé llorando en un avión y molestando al resto de pasajeros

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#11857 Si lo dices por los llorones que no saben pilotar, agreed

15 3 respuestas

#11859 Lo de los deploys de vehículos en medio del combate funciona? Nunca lo he visto todavía xD

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#11859 Los dos ultimos clips jajajajaja


#11860 Funciona.


#11853 mola mas quejarse en el foro de que los vehiculos estan OP pese a no tener tablas.

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#11863 Lo que ocurre es que cuando quiero usar un Heli me tiran un misil quiado, suelto bengalas y al momento tengo 5 lock on de granadas, M5, AA, y ni intentando esquivar puedes evitarlo. Eso si, cuando vienen contra mi el equipo no les dispara nadie y te sientes gilipollas.

Es como cuando ves un tanque que está haciendo el horror y la gente no equipa un M5, C5, EMP, o le hacen focus.

Yo he llegado a ver 5 Hovercraft subiendo las paredes del último punto en Hourglass, llegar arriba y morir todos solo subir porque todos iban con antivehiculos y tenían un tanque y un Wildcat arriba con el 57mm. Los helicópteros o el Condor no podían ni acercarse porque la mitad del otro equipo llevaba AA o los Hover aparcados arriba les hacían el horror xDDD

A la que tengas unos cuantos atentos no haces nada con un vehículo.


Otro bug de mierda es que si te unes a una patrulla y te quieres salir no puedes tienes que chapar el juego... Me gustaria ver la reaccione de la gente de los estudios que han echo el juego porque telita.
#11859 JAJAJAAJA hostia puta macho


#11813 No está roto el Wildcat a tope no no 😂😂😂 y el coche con la munición explosiva me lo he cruzado esta mañana en Qatar y era el horror personificado.

Lo más gracioso es que los tanques son lo más malo ahora mismo. Te pillas munición explosiva para el AA o el coche y revientan que da gusto.

Hoy me ha vuelto a pasar mil veces el bug de revivir y el de la cabina interior del tanque, que es horroroso 🤦🏻‍♂️

#11860 Los deploys son de coña, te sueltan en mitad de bandera con todo el equipo enemigo pillando, instakill. En desierto, en mitad de una duna 😂😂😂, instakill.

Atacan a un compañero y le van a reventar el vehículo? Deploy, instakill. Le están disparando y de pronto sales cuando el muere, instakill.

Luego quieres salir y te está diciendo tu compi por discord que está solo sin disparar y te pone "imposible desplegar, en combate". Esta muy muy roto tanto el Deploy como los puntos de respawn de las banderas.

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Me fascina ver como a un juego competitivo le quitan las cosas competitivas y encima los que lo juegan incluso lo defienden.

Yo en el próximo Madrid - Barça les pediré a los de la tele que quiten el marcador con el resultado, eso es de boomers anticuados.

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Podra ser más o menos competitivo, pero bugs tiene como para estar sacando parches hasta verano del año que viene.


Jugar públicas sin MMR tiene de competición lo mismo que el solitario.


#11866 En otro episodio de kerai quejandose de lo que le hace instakill...

#11867 que cosas competitivas han quitado? si hablamos del scoreboard al final es para medirse el e-penis y ya porque en competicion en mi vida he mirado el score si no quien gana la ronda...

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#11867 En el competitivo solo importan los tickets. Si tú matas a un jugador y su equipo le revive no vale para nada por mucho que tabules para ver tus estadísticas.

Además, ¿Quién defiende la ausencia del competitivo? Si es la propia comunidad la que hace posible que exista el competitivo. Ojalá el juego incluyera un modo competitivo pero tocará sacarlo hacia delante con Portal.

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Han quitado el score para que la generación de cristal no se ofenda al ver lo mancos que son.

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#11872 ahora si quedas 5-20 sólo lo sabes tú y si te da por mirarlo xD

A mí personalmente me parece positivo que en la pantalla final salgan los jugadores con más asistencias, revives y tal, ahora, lo del scoreboard siempre ha sido algo básico de la saga xD

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#11871 tal cual.

#11872 yo creo que lo han quitado porque se muere una cantidad sinsentido de veces xDDDD y si ya lloran porque les matan los vehiculos no me lo quiero ni imaginar tu.


#11873 las muertes no las ves xD

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Cuando se supone que meten el pase de batalla los putos monos estos?

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#11876 2022


#11871 Modo competitivo dudo que haya si no hay ni espectador.....


Respuestas de Lead Game Designer, DRUNKKZ3 a preguntas de la comunidad

Q: Will a normal scoreboard ever return?

A: Don't have much to say about scoreboard at this point but we've all seen the high amount of feedback about this! :)

Q: When selecting fast grenade throw, it throws out both grenades automatically? (PS5), is this intentional, I would assume not.

A: Not intentional, thanks for reporting!

Q: Is Dozer's shield supposed to significantly reduce mouse sensitivity? Feels like my vehicle sensitivity is applied to it, or as if I were really zoomed - my 360/cm is multiplied several times on shield. PC, uniform soldier aim with 50% coefficient.

A: Yes that is intended, the turn rate with the shield is reduced with the shield equipped

Q: Are you aware that sometimes the buttons are unresponsive…for example when throwing c5 I hit the trigger to Donate..but it miss fires and in that split second I get killed…also idk if anyone else sees this but the scar studders when i shoot almost laggey…

A: There is a delay (although short) before you can detonate the C5, maybe that is what you are describing?

Q: Are there any plans to add a firemode hud element? It's kinda stupid that I can't easily see what firemode I'm in. Thanks in advance.

A: Yes and some options attached to it.

Q: I want a marksman bonus tellin me how far my headshot is and bonus xp so bad.

A: Noted :)

Q: Can the Camera shake option be changed, from capped 50 lowest to 0 lowest please?

A: I'll investigate what we can do here, not against it myself :)

Q: Can you guys do something about bloom. All it does is make the game feel random and inconsistent. Also Every assault rifle I have tried has way to much recoil and gets out gunned by smgs. Even at range.

A: It's being looked at.

Q: Are there any plans for rebalancing the assault rifles in 2042. Speaking mainly about the m5a3 and the scar. The PP is better than them at everything. Also the spread is just an outdated mechanic at this point, I want to be able to master my weapon and shred with it.

A: Yes we are looking at those things :)

Q: Hey is there any plans in adding "reticle customization" in 2042? I understand that there is a lot more important things to be fixed/worked on. Just curios if there is future plans for something like this.

A: As you said there is quite a lot on our plate right now but we definitely can look at adding some options here down the line!

Q: Hello! Can you make fire mode visible without having to toggle or ADS? Also will hovercraft receive balancing? Thanks!

A: Yep, this is going to happen in an upcoming patch and will have a few customizable options with it.

Q: The revive bug seems to be related to the head of the model even being a pixel into the wall.

A: We have a fix coming for those revive bugs.

Q: The Battlefield2042 gunplay has me having 0% confidence in my gunskill. I've competed against the best BF players in the world, I shouldn't be questioning taking a gunfight against 'REDACTED' because of unreadable / oppressive spread and hitreg issues.

A: Thanks for the tag, we're looking at weapons already and are planning on a few changes regarding spread. Not date or specifics to share for the changes yet though. Dispersion/Spread/Bloom has been a thing in all past BF games, it's important for weapons variety and balance as well as creating value for attachments. It shouldn't be a problem unless it's too much or increasing too rapidly, which is the problem today that is being looked at. And yes, BFV had spread.

Q: I sat in the underpass on top of the Orbital tall building on Breakthrough with no player on either side in the middle of it and none of my squad mates could spawn. Just said I was in combat. I don't remember this being an issue at all in the past.

A: The system is the same as previous games with same values so either it's a bug or there was actually something legit that caused the blocking. When you get this again please send a video! I'll be testing on my side next week as well.

Q: Hi Florian, I beg you, can you please make the team aware that playing with more than 3 friends is near to impossible? I can make a video if you want. If you need any more details I'm here to give them to you. I'll help where I can.

A: It has been shared already!

Q: Hey mate, can you like share this (list with all the stuff that's missing from previous BF titles) with your development team and like... add them?

A: It has been seen :)

Q: Question for you about attachments. do they do more than what is shown on screen? most of the attachments seem to do the same thing according to the chart, and if they are the same, are you guys going to be adding variety to them?

A: Some may actually do the same right now, we have identified a bug affecting stat changes for some attachment and are working on a fix.

Q: You just can't shoot the hovercraft driver through the front glass while facing it straight on! Only able to shoot the driver at outer angles. All other windows are fine.

A: Shared with the team. We found the issue, it'll be addressed in an upcoming patch.

Q: Servers do not lag anymore. I hope you are aware of the micro stutters while moving, like you are micro rubber banded (it's not new issue after the maintenance) after running. I am not sure how to describe it honestly. Good job on this patch one major issue solved.

A: The micro rubberbanding is something we are aware of, it's related to animations.

Q: I’m begging for a response man. Lifelong battlefield fan here. I know I’m not a big streamer but please can we get some sort of comment on aim assist. I promise I will shut up after that.

A: Yes we are aware of the issues with aim assist, it is being worked on by the team. No specifics to share at this point though.

Q: Whats happened to the objective opacity option on battlefield 2042, the objective it always in the way of the enemies.

A: We're working on adding options for those things!

Q: Looking at the known issues, I don't see unable to join friends while they are already playing. Is this known?

A: Yes, it is know indeed.

Q: What about gun bloom, will you fix that, aiming down and the bullets highlight the player.

A: It is going to receive changes, we've done those changes on our side already, now it's a matter of getting the changes in one of the upcoming updates.

Q: Any updates on hit reg issues? or at least are you guys aware of it?

A: Yes, aware! Working on it :)

Q: The x 6 scope on the sniper rifles doesn’t zoom in, any info or fixes for this would be appreciated. Thanks.

A: We have a fix for it! Mater of time now before it gets into a patch.

Q: Anything about the occurrence when loading into a new round of breakthrough that won't start forever? Seems to be because of missing players, but there sure has to be some way to circumvent this?

A: We're aware of the issue but I don't have much info to share on this at this point.

Q: How about seeing where nearby medics are? It was a great feature in bfv, but now it’s gone in bf 2042

A: It's coming back in an upcoming update.

Q: The stuck in crouch and being stuck in the drop ship on map start. Really weird little glitches. Kinda funny in a way.

A: We have also a fix for the stuck in crouch issue which should come in the same fix as the "stuck in downed state" fix.

Q: Is the team familiar with the missile relock bug? Basically after a missile has been flared, it will consistently come back 5 seconds later and score a hit. Very common in jets.

A: Yes we're aware, saw a lot of footage of it myself in-game too :-)))

Q: Are you working on a fix for AR's dispersion ? There's actually no point to play them. Thank you for your answer.

A: Yes :)

Q: Any news on if icon transparency settings are coming back? I can see people :(

A: Yes we're working on adding options for icons transparency & scaling.

Q: Rocket pod splash damage from the nightbird also make their targets rubber band.

A: Yep we're aware of the rubber-banding when getting hit by those rockets, it is being looked at.

Q: are the team looking at optimisation for PC? majority of mid-high end specs struggling with low fps. Cheers pal.

A: Don't have much to share on this but the team is well aware of the feedback.

Q: What are your thoughts on C5 being attached to casper’s drone? Given it is a fun little thing, I personally find it quite annoying it certain situations. Most notably in breakthrough as an armoured vehicle. Have you considered making C5 not stick to the drones?

A: This is being discussed with the team. Agree that this is causing frustrating right now and there isn't really a good counter-play to this.

Q: Are you aware of the delay observed for console players? I mean, there is a delay between the moment the joystick moves and the moment there is a movement in the game.

A: Yes aware! Do you have a video example of this if it happens to you?

Q: Are there any plans for weapon adjustment patches? I love this game, but I'm frustrated with too many SVKs and PP-29s.

A: Yes weapons will receive balance passes as well as general spread changes.

Q: Are the problems with Xbox Series X performance already reported? I mean memory leaks where you cannot continue playing on 1fps. Multiple crashes to dashboard and 10 second freezes are also still common. Not sure if PS5/PC have this too.

A: Hi! Do you have footage of your issues? I've seen a few reports of performance problems on XBSX but uncertain if they are the same problems.

Q: Just wanted to say thanks for communicating. That’s all anyone wants. You seem to be the only one willing to answer questions. From reading everything it seems you all are aware of everything. Look forward to updates to make the game better.

A: Thank you, we're all aware of many of the issues with the game and reading feedback around, even if we don't all reply we do see it all, not just me :)

Q: The reload prompt is sometimes persistent on screen after reloading the gun. Switching weapons / redeploying gets rid of it. Nothing major, just thought I'd let you know :)

A: Thanks for sharing, we are tracking this issue on our side already. Definitely not a big one but we have it on our radar.

Q: when I drag-scope and move at the same time, I've noticed that the bullet always lands about 3 cm (on my screen) behind the reticle of my scope. Is this intentional? Is accurate drag-scoping only viable when standing completely still?

A: That is probably caused by spread I suppose, do you have a video of what is happening to you?

Q: Saw a tweet talking about Casper's drone with C5 attached to it where you replied that there sin't any counter-play to it what if Rao could hack the drone therefore destroying it?

A: That's a pretty cool suggestion :)

Q: I’m enjoying bf2042 have you guys done any work to fix the issue where you can’t be revived when your head is even somewhat close to a wall or barrier?

A: Yes we have a fix ready for this issue that will be part of an update :)

Q: Hi Florian!! Hope you’re doing great today! Just letting you know that Breakthrough on console is unplayable. When you load into a game, you’re unable to spawn. Resulting in everyone leaving the game.

A: We're aware of the issue, we're working on addressing this as soon as possible.

Q: Please tell me the next update will fix the assault rifles and that PP-29 because it’s ridiculous!

A: They're being adjusted yes :)

Q: Bunch of folks confirming that unplugging USB DAC audio devices resolves full mouse/keyboard lock ups on PC. Is this something the team is aware of? This was also reported during the beta.

A: Thank you, shared.

Q: When Paik uses her scan, she pops up on the mini map. Was this intentional? It kinda makes her scans useless for solo infiltration imo.

A: Yes this was intentional as a power balance, getting a lot of information at the cost of revealing yourself when scanning too.

Q: Proximity grenades are too OP makes the Casper drone useless.

A: We're looking at the balance of those.

Q: Is it me or does the SFAR shots not line up with the site?

A: Will be fixed in an upcoming update.

Q: Is everything OK with PBX reload animation? Its like after entering mag character looks at a weapon for a second or two before being able to shoot. It killed me so many times that I can't even count it.

A: Do you have a video?

Q: Hey sorry for bothering but is the team aware of a particulare animation if you sprint it seems like i'm levitating in-place of running, but resuming to stopping then walking and slowly run the bug seems to dissapear.

A: Hi! This sounds familiar, do you have a video of it?


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#11875 Creo que en el panel de la derecha que te aparece sale;

Bajas, asistencias, y justo abajo en la esquina derecha salen las muertes que llevas, bien lejos de tu vista eso sí xD

#11879 Lo que queda claro es que no juega al juego que ha estado desarrollando, se agradecen las respuestas y que esté "tomando" nota pero algunos de esos Bugs desconocidos para el "equipo" ocurren a cada paso.

P.D; y por como responde parece ser que el 30 van a meter un "parchecito" pa 4 cosas y ya irán resolviendo el resto sobre la marcha xD

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