No estaría mal, la verdad. Así se limpiaría esto de tanta mierda con las keys y quedaría todo en un mismo hilo dedicado para estas.
Chicos alhomejor ya lo sabéis pero la página esta de playdota en facebook es la "Community Page About Dota 2", o sea que entiendo que no es la oficial no? Muchas keys no se van a repartir vamos.
han vuelto a chapar los servers estaran acabando la update de por la mañana
LEs han vuelto a levantar no se ke hacen .
#4709 powpwfwopfkw
srsly? T_T me acabas d hacer feliz T___T es k me meti por steam, y vi q el DotA 2 solo tenia el ikono de windows... y empecé a deprimirme.
El parche lo uniko ke hace es ke no se habran las puertas cuando los servers esten off.
Asio no ves toda la pesca ke no carga.
Yo confío en que además trae las IAs esas que han dicho en el otro post pero ya se verá.
De momento el telón está cerrado
#4725 Hola? Eso es un hat? Hats hats hats hats
October 7, 2011 The Dota Team announce the addition of Kunkka, Bloodseeker and the Practice Mode bots.
Patch notes
■ Enabled Kunkka and Bloodseeker.
■ Enabled Bot Support
■ Fixed some creep aggro behaviors
■ Fixed Juggernaut's Omnislash not ministunning the initial target.
■ Fixed Juggernaut's Healing Ward not having an AoE cursor.
■ Fixed Critical Strikes (both Juggernaut's and item-based) not denying correctly.
■ Fixed Ion Shell being dispelled during Bladefury.
■ Fixed Razor's Static Link working on Juggernaut while he is omnislashing.
■ Fixed Doom gaining a ranged attack by orb walking after eating a ghost creep.
■ Fixed Dazzle's Shadow Wave, it now properly deals physical damage, and damages magic immune units.
■ Fixed Ancients not regenerating.
■ Fixed Lich's Dark Ritual being usable on couriers.
■ Fixed players instantly losing vision of dying units.
■ Fixed the radius of vision players get from attacking units.
■ Fixed units being knocked back into trees potentially getting stuck.
■ Fixed Ring of Basilius, it no longer automatically resets its toggle state on death.
■ Fixed Illusions doing significantly reduced damage to buildings.
■ Fixed a bug that prevented selection hitboxes from scaling along with the unit.
■ Fixed a bug where creeps would over-commit to defending an allied hero being attacked.
■ Adjusted juke areas around Dire Side Shop.
■ Added support for muting voice & text chat of other players via the scoreboard.
■ Fixed a bug with item combining when the courier brings items to a hero in fountain range.
■ Changed how upgradable items are displayed in the shop: now all upgrade levels are shown in the combine tree.
■ Upgradeable items, such as Necronomicon, now show the upgrade level in their shop tooltips.
■ Added Legacy key support for Juggernaut.
■ Fixed a bug where players who bought items while dead in range of the side or secret shop would have their items drop on the ground.
■ Changed secret shop item color to teal.
■ Updated player slot colors.
■ The player's own minimap icon now shows their player color.
■ Fixed a bug that prevented camera movement while spectating a game directly (not via DOTA TV).
■ Fixed several issues with Fog of War while spectating.
■ Illusions in the portrait and multi-unit selection UI now show the illusion status effect.
■ Vengeful Spirit's Magic Missile is more obviously a projectile now.
■ Beastmaster's Wild Axes now flow along the ground, and are more prominent overall.
■ Completed a rough pass over the Dire Secret Shop.
■ Added a new custom effect for Lich's Frost Armor.
■ Lich's Chain Frost is now more visible.
■ Vengeful Spirit now has a new model and weapon.
■ Added bloody footprints to Axe's Cull effect.
■ Fixed a bug that caused portraits to sometimes have missing (or extra) body parts on Heroes.
■ Added more voice content to several heroes.
■ Added Dire Defeat music piece.
Nueva UI (cambios en la zona de matchmaking):
Nueva skin de VS:
Sortean keys, podriamos votarnos entre nosotros y que almenos uno tuviera beta no?
Me rio ahora de la gente que viendo el torneo de millon de dolares decia que de la beta a la release solo arreglarian bugs y poco mas que no tocarian los efectos.
#4732 sabes q nostradamus nacio el mismo dia q yo?
He conocido un tio q dice q era medio beta tester del dota del WC3 y q le ofrecieron beta pero se la dio a un amigo pq el no tiene tiempo...
Pq no lo habre conocido antes!!!!!! T____________T
Le dicho q pida mas y me de !!!
Ale ya he acabado de contar mis desgracias
Si no tuviera beta en este momento estaria en pleno estado de rage. Por el FB dan 4 betas para 100000 users. En MV entre dolpsdw y yo hemos dado 5 y no nos dan ni subforo. Well played
#4736 eso es un disparate. El sistema caeria al instante y probablemente tardarian 3 horas en restaurarlo. Recordad q es una beta y lo q es una beta. Q a veces parece q se olvida uU
Dosis diaria de info vía reddit.
Ahora los abandonos se guardan, futuro sistema antileaver incoming obviamente
Screen de la ulti de Kunkka
Video sobre kunkka y bloodseeker
Hay mas morralla por reddit de cambios en efectos de hechizos y tal, pero son demasiados para ponerlos aquí.
nueva venge:
fotillos de los cambios:
la vs ataca con bolas naranjas..