Dota: Parche 27/03/2013

  • Added Bristleback!


  • Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.
  • Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.
  • Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
  • Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.
  • Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.
  • Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.
  • Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.
  • Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.
  • Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.
  • Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many
  • Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.
  • Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.
  • Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.
  • Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.
  • Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.
  • Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.
  • Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .
  • Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.
  • Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.
  • Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
  • Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.
  • Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.


  • Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
  • Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.
  • Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.
  • Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.
  • Wisp name change to Io.
  • Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.
  • Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.
  • Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.


  • New Vengeful Spirit model.
  • Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards.


  • Added Bounty Hunter bot.
  • Significantly revised how Roam mode works.


  • Revised Beastmaster's voice.


  • Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.
  • Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
  • The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
  • Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.
  • Added a couple new couriers!

Ya podéis desbanear al moderador jaja.


  • Updated Bristleback model and portrait.
  • Updated Vengeful spirit images to match the new model.
  • Spectre: Fixed a case where leaving and rejoining the Spectral Dagger path could cause Spectre to temporarily lose no collision.
  • Added 'BB' as alias for bristleback in hero search.
  • Fixed Bristleback portrait not lipsyncing.
  • Fixed Store button triggering Today button.
  • Added Bristleback voice credit.
  • Fixed Bristleback turn rate.
  • Fixed Quill Spray killing couriers.
  • Fixed pause restrictions being circumventable.


  • Fixed not regaining control until after the unpause timer (3...2...1) ends.
  • Fixed Quill Spray vs damage block.
  • Bristleback: Fixed Warpath not showing the durations of its stacks.
  • Bristleback: Fixed illusions not getting bonuses from Warpath.
  • Bristleback: Fixed Quill Spray stacks not each having their own durations.
  • Added "Select unit under mouse" keybind for spectators.
  • Fixed bots saying that they're roaming to "base" if they're roaming to a unit that's not currently in a lane.


  • Bristleback: Quill Spray stacks aren't shown to enemies on the UI.
  • Bristleback: Fixed Bristleback preserving damage greater than 250 dealt at one time and creating extra Quill Sprays.
  • Bristleback: Fixed Bristleback reducing damage from HP Removal.
  • Fixed bots not knowing how to lane with Bristleback.

Preview del heroe


New Vengeful Spirit model.


  • Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
    Eso fue por lo de puppey no? xDDDD

mis ojos me engañan...
que es eso de Added Bristleback?


- Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.

Puppey nerfeado.


1 respuesta

#6 Es...hermoso :qq:


- Wisp name change to Io.

2 1 respuesta

no era un puerco ?
#8 y eso ?? menuda cagada
#10 lo se pero a que viene cambiar el nombre ahora ?

1 respuesta

#9 Es su nombre original en Dota 1.

1 respuesta

Joder, es horrendo.


¿Bristleback = Armadon en HoN?

1 1 respuesta


Yes sir


Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god... y yo que no voy a tener tiempo para jugar, JODER!!

  • Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many

Hay algo mal aquí.


Ahi mi madre... Wisp change name to Io!

1 respuesta

#16 No la veo.

PD: Hell yeah! El cerdico de pinchos!


Bueno D4rk te quito el ban.

1 1 respuesta

es sensacion mia o a Bristleback se le esta cayendo un moco?

2 1 respuesta

#18 hahaha, puedo opinar entonces. El avatar es la caña, pero el modelo no me termina de convencer.


NOOOOOOOOOO el armadon/bristle no por diossss, puto asco de personaje



Mas cosillas por aqui.

Nuevo modelo de items:

Nuevo modelo de la vengeful:

Wisp vuelve a ser azul!



porque no se me actualiza el Dota?

#25 ok ,gracias

1 respuesta

#24 Porque estas implementaciones, únicamente, están disponibles en el servidor de prueba. El Jueves por la noche/madrugada Viernes se implementa en el server oficial si todo va bien.

Una de las cosas que mas me gusta, es como VALVe se lee todo tipo de polemicas que van pasando en la escena y el fix inmediato que le dan. Para quienes se incorporan ahora y no saben de lo que hablo, trato el tema de la polemica de Puppey y Merlini con la "pausa tactica". Por ello es interesante ver como funcionara el:

  • Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
1 respuesta

Lo de que wisp ahora se llame Io no me disgusta (aunque molaba más como en Dota 1, que el héroe tenía su nombre "tipo" y su nombre propio)

#19 Creo que si tiene algo de moquillo en la nariz xD al fin y al cabo creo recordar que una de sus skills se llama "nasal goo" :D

  • Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.

WTF? Esto no significará que pueden volver a salir cofres de eventos, no? Lo harán sólo para los cofres viejos (furion, jugger, axe, etc,) o cómo? Es que al decir "old keys" es mosqueante, xq xa cofres viejos se usan llaves normales, asi que no se, miedo de da esta parte del parche...




Lo he probado y no me parece muy imba, veremos cuando la gente empieze a usarlo los primeros dias a ver que tal.


Lo primero que me ha venido a la cabeza cuando he visto al nuevo:


Nuevos sets: