
#90 ya se ha comentado eso en este post. No te has fijado? lee el post entero antes de postear no sea que des información repetida :D


Sobre el canal tiempo, después de ver como es...

Afirmo que es un truño y nadie va a usarlo



Roza , graficamente a NDS.



Eso es el modo libre con el canal tiempo de las narices. El juego es esto y solo tienen que ver que están en el mismo DVD

Eso si, el sprite del relámpago es MÍTICO


#92 espero q esas texturas no salgan en la version final...

#93 agree, pero espero q gane mucho en movimiento


Yo creo q esas imagenes son solo ejemplos q dan una idea sobre lo q estan hablando, no creo q el mapa o juego o sitio concreto vaya a distar tantisimo graficamente del resto del juego como esas imagenes.

7 días después

nuevo vídeo con las transformaciones de Nights



lio de formatos aclarado en #99


#98 Pues te equivocas porque el de Wii sigue siendo exclusivo xD.

Este es el Into Dreams que es el original de Saturn llevado a la PS2.

El de Wii es el Journey of Dreams quizir Nights 2.

A ver si aprendemos japonés :P


Gloobs. Pues ha sido un lió con el RSS, pensaba que leía revogamers cuando en realidad era ecetia

28 días después

Review de Gamespot... 7,5

You'll probably smile much of the time you play, thanks to all of this good-natured charm. But you won't be all smiles: Journey of Dreams, for all its visual dreaminess and elegant simplicity, trips itself up with some surprisingly awkward levels and a Wii-centric control option that detracts from the game rather than enhances it. The game will keep you in a good mood, though, so forgiving its faults is an easy task in light of its breezy gameplay and a handful of excellent boss fights.

Y review de IGN... 6,5

Personally, we'd rather have seen this one stay a nostalgic piece of gaming history, as Journey of Dreams isn't exactly the spectacular homecoming we were hoping for as huge fans of the original Saturn classic. The control is too stiff, odd design choices will have players repeating full levels rather than incorporating a simple checkpoint system which would have saved both progress and sanity alike, and there's a huge amount of emphasis put on non-Nights gameplay, having players control the human children in very unrewarding sections, and incorporating sloppy alternate gameplay rather than just focusing on what made the original so captivating in the first place. Nights still has its moments, as the style is there, the entire story is told with full VO (and some decent, if not a bit over-the-top voice acting throughout), and the boss battles specifically are pretty captivating. In the end it's simply a bit too rough all around, too short (less than three hours with each child will see the end), and strays from what made Nights so entertaining in the first place; the simple joy of flight.


bloooof confirmado

Sega... POR QUÉ?!?! :(


Tamy #60


#103 Seamos realistas, cualquier juego malo q salga para Wii acertaras, ya q absolutamente todas tus previsiones para cualquier tipo de juego de Wii son catastrofistas.

De todas formas cualquier plataformas despues de SMG debe ser muy muy bueno para no dejarte un mal sabor de boca.

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