Squad: FPS de los creadores de Project Reality BF2


SQUAD: Introduccion


Los chicos del equipo de desarrollo de Project Reality, responsables de ese fantastico MOD de Battlefield 2 donde transformaron el juego por completo haciendo de él un verdadero juego de combate real y repleto de acción, un verdadero campo de batalla con numerosas novedades respecto a su padre BF2, nos presentan su nuevo proyecto SQUAD.

Hoy nos anuncian que han dividido su equipo en 2 equipos. Uno de ellos trabajará en Squad y el otro en Project Reality 2. Ambos buscan realizar un juego que siga la jugabilidad y características del mod de BF2 pero utilizando un motor grafico más moderno y con mayor capacidades.

SQUAD: Caracteristicas

Squad usará el UE4 y actualmente se encuentra en estado alpha, de moment podemos encontrarnos con las siguientes características que ya muchos conoceremos por el MOD de BF2:


With advice from former and current service personnel, we aim to deliver a completely immersive combat experience like no other. You’ll hear the buzz of rounds pass nearby and almost feel the intense gut churning reality of combat.

The base unit of Squad is not the individual, but the 9-man squad. Gameplay systems honed over years of experience with the Project Reality series draw the focus away from the lone-wolf player and much more on the cooperation with other members of your squad.

Most of our maps will come directly or be heavily inspired from real world locations through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) satellite data, where authenticity and total tactical freedom to roam will always be part of the game.

50 on 50, in countless squad combinations, all vying for control over an expansive battlefield.

Squad can be enjoyed on a much smaller scale with more concentrated fighting areas and tighter player counts, but still offers the freedom, tactical maneuverability and opportunities for team-play that are the hallmarks of the game.

KIT ROLE SYSTEM, be it a machine gunner, sniper, grenadier, APC-crewman, helicopter pilot, squad-leadership, construction engineer, medic, forward observer or even a plain old rifleman, every role has a part to play in the battle. This clear division of responsibilities greatly helps the experience as no one soldier can possibly do the job of an entire army. Personal progression is not measured by how shiny your weapon is, but how flexible you are in mastering all the different battlefield professions.

PLAYER-DRIVEN SPAWN-POINT AND BASE-BUILDING, which makes the front-lines of every match a unique experience. Players who prefer to construct rather than destruct have the capability to build fortifications and strong points for the team, and often play as important if not greater role than the ones doing the shooting.

LOGISTICS AND RESUPPLY SYSTEM, realised through your team's network of player-placed Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and Rally Points (RPs) to support your front-lines. Whether its ensuring a clear path between your main base and your forward bases, or risking the gauntlet and delivering supplies by helicopter or truck, a supply system controls what weapons are available at your Forward Operating Bases, and even how much you can fortify your spawn points. Defending friendly and eliminating enemy Supply Lines, FOBs and RPs become just as important as putting troops into the Objective Zones on the map.

Join a tank crew, be an unstoppable force in a CAS helicopter with your co-pilot or even run logistics and build fortifications, there are many ways to make your mark on the battlefield. From grunts to motorcycles to APCs to attack helicopters and everything in between, we offer gameplay systems that make multilayered teamwork enjoyable and rewarding without the need to join private communities.

REAL WORLD CURRENT TIME PERIOD FACTIONS, including regular and irregular forces. Meaning the inclusion of realistic tactics, weapons, accouterments, load-outs, vehicles, sounds and sights of war using highly accurate modelling accrued from our military advisors as well as years of experimentation and experience in the modding scene.

Server side, simulated Newtonian physics with our custom physics engine code. From small arms to grenade launchers, mounted machine guns to dumb-fire rockets, we aim to have working sights that significantly up the level of immersion when it comes to firing your weapon.

Server side damage system where being shot means you're not going to be sprinting until treated by a medic, and a direct shot to your wheels means you're not going to be moving around until field repairs have been made.

INTEGRATED POSITIONAL VOIP COMMUNICATION, no need for third party programs, we're using the most effective codecs in-game. Speaking to other squad leaders across the map, or even the man next to you couldn't be easier.

ALL THE TOOLS NEEDED FOR INTRA-SQUAD AND INTER-SQUAD COMMUNICATION built into the game. In the last ten years, the industry has moved away from providing proper command and communication features available out of the box. Squad will fix this.

(aka ‘body awareness’) character models, there won’t be walking gunheads here. Your first person movements will be the exact same as seen by other players in third person. There are no rigged 1P arms for your on screen infantry character, the entire character body is modeled and viewable at all times.

A MEDICAL SYSTEM REFINED through 10 years of gameplay history. A revival system balanced to make medics and casualty evacuation an extremely critical part of the game, and with features like dragging coming to Squad, saving your buddy in the midst of battle is an experience like no other.

ASSAULT AND SECURE, an objective zone based game mode that promotes a defined 'front-line' style of combat. The objectives also are regenerated every round, so no two sessions will ever play the same. We plan to have many more game modes to come!

ADMINS SPECTATOR MODES AND OVERVIEW PANELS to allow administration teams the tools required to own, operate, and oversee their servers.

REFINED MACHINIMA/FILMING TOOLS designed by film enthusiasts for ease of use, to allow for high quality machinima or gameplay videos.

SUPPORT FOR MODDERS AND MISSION DESIGNERS FROM DAY ONE of retail release. The Squad developers are paying it forward and will provide reference and frameworks for hobbyist modders and mission creators, and paid commissions for qualified mod teams.

SUPPORT FOR TEAM TOURNAMENTS AND LADDERS. Both large scale 50v50 matches for public and clan ladders, and 5v5 and 8v8 on specifically designed smaller maps, allowing tournaments that can take full advantage of the Unreal Engine 4 framework, animations, weapons and ballistics systems to challenge the competitive FPS standard for the last several years.

A DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OPEN TO EARLY BACKERS having direct access to the Dev Team during testing sessions and monthly live-streams. This was a mainstay of our decade of modding, and we're adding live-streaming to show off the process as we go, and will continue to be a way for the community to get direct access to the game as it develops and evolves, and for the Devs to get in the trenches and have some fun and get feedback on the gameplay as we implement and test planned features.


SQUAD: Un futuro cercano


Ya podeis apoyar el proyecto con vuestro granito de arena en Steam greenlight. De momento la Alpha se encuetra entre las primeras posiciones de la lista de favoritos de la comunidad de steam, por lo que es muy probable que pronto lo veamos en Steam early acces!

ENLACE: http://mediavida.digidip.net/visit?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fsharedfiles%2Ffiledetails%2F%3Fid%3D402654862&ppref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediavida.com%2Fforo%2Fbattlefield%2Fsquad-fps-creadores-project-reality-bf2-521425

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Tiempo atras...

SQUAD: sigue su desarrollo

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Pues tiene muy buena pinta la verdad.


Insurgency con un buen motor grafico, esperemos que siga a delante el proyecto.

2 meses después





Desconocia esto, genial, igualito que PR pero con graficos.

Yo actualmente estaba jugando en este torneo, algo brutal, organizado como el ejercito con entrenamientos y todas esas cosas. http://tournament.realitymod.com/


Se saben precios? O va a ser gratis? Que estas cosas nunca se sabe, capaces son de no pedir nada.

1 respuesta

#8 es un juego comercial, por lo que algun formato escogerar para obtener beneficios. Creo recordar que seria free 2 play. Pero aun esta muy verde para hablar de ello.

1 respuesta

#9 No se que rendimiento la van a sacar si lo sacan free2play, en este tipo de juegos cualquier cosa vas a putear a los jugadores, porque hasta con las skins puteas a los roleros... Espero que cobren sin más. Aunque si piensan cobrar creo que han de mejor un poco más el apartado gráfico.


No se que tipo de gente juega a esto, pero en el Project Reality me habre cruzado 2-4 españoles en todos estos años, juego desde el 2007.

2 respuestas

#11 No habras buscado bien xD Yo en mi epoca de BF2 me juntaba con un monton de españoles amigos y disfrutabamos del MOD. Aunque no recuerdo ninguna comunidad española exclusiva de ese MOD, la verdad.

17 días después

#11 Aun hay bastantes españoles jugando de los cuales me incluyo

1 respuesta

#13 y en que servidores juegas?

1 respuesta

#14 Normalmente en los PRTA que es donde suelen estar los demas españoles y si no en el new era

1 respuesta

#15 Por experiencia, donde y cuando mejor se juega es de madrugada con los americanos, jugar con europeos da cancer. Puedes encontrar un SQD bueno pero ya. En cambio con los americanos es mas serio. Solia jugar con los ]H[ en su TS antes de que saliera el Mumble y ahora juego con los PRWARS.
Como digo, de jugar con americanos a europeos hay un cacho bueno...

1 respuesta

#16 Cierto ya te digo que el new era tienen unas reglas ridiculas, y digo ridiculas porque ellos mismos se contradicen con tal de pillar los tanques helicopteros etc...
Por lo demas los europeos salvo los rusos que a esos no los tomo yo como europeos no esta tan mal jugar con ellos.
Obviamente no te negare que los americanos dan mucho mas de si pero el ping a veces tira para atras.

Se echa de menos esos tiempos en el HOG y muttrah city lol tardes de 4 a 6 horas una detras de otra.

2 meses después

Salió hace tiempo, pero por si quereis echar una mano.


3 1 respuesta

#18 Cierto, se me paso ponerlo en el foro. Gracias ;)

He actualizado un poco #1


Cuando hay que donar para poder adquirir la alpha? he estado leyendo pero no dice nada.

1 respuesta

#20 Creo que lo de las donaciones de momento no dan acceso al alpha, es para que apoyer el proyecto de forma "desinteresada". Cuando entre en steam EarlyAcces, supongo que ya pondran un precio para adquirir el juego y empezar a jugar en la alpha.

28 días después

Estare atento, vaya pintaza


Pinta brutal


¿Tiene fecha para early access, o lo que sea? Menuda pinta tiene.

1 respuesta

Por ahora me parece mejor el Insurgency :S

Esperemos que vaya mejorando.

1 respuesta

#26 Pero el insurgency no tiene vehiculos, ni construccion etc no?



Para apuntarse a una lista que te avisa cuando empieza su Kickstarter.



Si el Project Reality ya engancha este tiene que ser brutal , desenado ya que den el acceso al alpha


Que bien pinta, espero que tenga buena acogida y al menos una cantidad de players decente.