#47 Summoer code, punto 3 de las normas:
To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable." -Barry Goldwater
When you choose to participate in a discussion with the rest of the playerbase, always try to be receptive to another player's point of view. If you keep an open mind, you'd be surprised what valuable information you can glean from your fellow players.
No sabes usar el sistema de reports. Punto.
Sigamos, el punto 5 de summoner code:
Build Relationships
League of Legends is a team game, and, as such, familiarity and rapport with the other competitors with whom you play is going to be a big part of your success. With that in mind, it would behoove you to adopt a cordial demeanor and attempt to make friends. If you have fun playing with another player, make use of the end of game lobby to thank that player for the game and send a friend request. The more friendly players that you have at your disposal, the better your chances are of getting a good, friendly game. Also, if you have friends who you think might be a good fit for the game and community, don't hesitate to shoot them an invite. Not only will you earn yourself some awesome swag, you'll have more friends you can call upon when you're having trouble flying solo.
No utilizar el chat no fomenta esta practica.
Show Humility in Victory, and Grace in Defeat
Admitir una derrota es totalmente viable. Siempre y cuando no te mees en este punto:
Moreover, if you've just lost, avoid pointing any fingers or deploying excuses. Even if you had a great game, it's not alright to blame your team.