Alliance Rekkles ¡CONFIRMADO!


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Se confirma, Alliance Rekkles!

Alliance Rekkles

Los rumores han llegado a su fin. Martin “Rekkles” Larsson jugará oficialmente para Alliance durante la Temporada 2015, tal y como ha anunciado la organización a través de Twitter.

La operación, que lleva descargando ríos de tinta desde hace semanas, ha sido también confirmada por Fnatic a través de un comunicado oficial.En lo que han definido como un “día triste”, la organización en la que el ya consagrado tirador ha deslumbrado a toda Europa se ha despedido de su mejor jugador. Más allá de la trayectoria de Larsson como integrante de Fnatic, la entidad ha reconocido la dedicación del jugador a League of Legends y su impecable ética de trabajo, lo que le convierten en un excelente profesional.

No obstante, y a pesar de los triunfos logrados por el equipo junto a Rekkles, ambos equipos han llegado a un acuerdo por el que el tirador formará parte de Alliance. Aunque no han querido desvelar la cifra que ha saldado las negociaciones, es muy probable que se trate de los $15.000 que estaban fijados en la cláusula del contrato del jugador.

“Seguir el camino Rekkles desde ser un jugador amateur con un talento inmenso hasta haberse convertido en uno de los mejores ADCs del mundo, así como el extremademente popular y carismático atleta que es, ha sido una increíble experiencia”, ha declarado el CGO de Fnatic, Patrik “cArn” Sätternmon.

Tras Rekkles no llega el fin del mundo y la organización espera añadir más títulos a sus vitrinas. Pese a que reconocen que es una noticia difícil de digerir, desde Fnatic han dejado clara su voluntad de extender su legado, aunque todavía desconocen qué equipo conformará su división de League of Legends esta temporada. “La plantilla actual está siendo revisada y realizaremos más anuncios dentro de poco”, han concluido.
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Comunicado de FNATIC

"Today is a very sad day for us, as we say goodbye to a very important member of the Fnatic family. Martin "Rekkles" Larsson joined us in November 2012. From day one, he set the bar for professionalism and his hard working attitude helped our team reach new heights in League of Legends.

Rekkles has a storied career here at Fnatic. He joined as an up-and-coming marksman and leaves as an eSports superstar. His dedication and work ethic has shaped him into the beast he is today. A lot of people don't get to see the inner workings of a team, but for the time Rekkles was with Fnatic, he was first in and last out to practice.

In his first season as a professional gamer, he helped us secure our third European LCS title. In his second season as a pro, he set a new record for the fewest deaths recorded in a single split. He also tied the current record for most kills during an entire LCS split. On their own those records are impressive, but paired together they are incredible.

Worlds didn't quite go as planned for Fnatic. However, each of our players took home the experience of playing on the biggest stage in the world. Rekkles managed to grab a highlight reel that not many people have been able to recreate. The pentakill.

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of speculation on where Rekkles will go. As of today, we are able to announce that both Fnatic and Alliance have reached a deal for an undisclosed amount that will transfer Rekkles to Alliance.

While we're very sad to see him go, we would like to thank him for everything Rekkles has done during his time at Fnatic. Our door will always remain open to Martin, and we look forward to seeing him at LCS next year! We wish him and Alliance the best of luck at IEM San Jose! "

Comunicado de Rekkles

First and foremost, as most of you know already by now I am no longer part of Fnatic, the team or the organisation and instead now part of Alliance.
There are numerous of reasons behind the move I made after the World Finals, but not enough legitimate explanations on how I handled it all and due to that I'd like to apologize towards everyone involved (organisations/players) and also you guys.
I left all of you in the dark, not one word has come from my side during the past month and that is the biggest mistake I did in all of this,
I've tried to tell myself many times that it's my first time having to handle contract related questions, team issues, organisation transfer and much, much more, but I understood after a while that going full radio silence wasn't the best decision, less keeping it.
I do not expect an apology to cover up for the mistakes I've made, but I hope some of you understand the tough situation I was put in and how much remorse I have today.
Before moving forward, I'd like to address some words towards Fnatic, both the players and the organisation.
First and foremost, Enrique (xPeke), Bora (YellOwStaR), Paul (sOAZ), Lauri (Cyanide), Chris (nRated) and Johannes (Puszu), I'd like to thank all of you for making the past 2 years a memory of a lifetime.
You guys will always be family to me and I hope there are similar sentiments from your side, even now once we officially gone separate ways.
You will always have a special place in my heart, without you I wouldn't have become the person and player I am today.
Secondly, I'd like to send my regards towards Fnatic, the organisation who picked me up when I was underaged, kept me under their wings untill the point I was eligble to play professionally, brought me into the team and raised me to become once again, the player and person I am today.
We've had our issues with one another, but aside of that I couldn't ask for a better start of my career. I am deeply grateful for the things you have done for me and I hope one day our paths will cross one another's once again.
Now, I hope some of the things I left unclear has been cleared out and hopefully the future is bright.
Alliance is a very strong team and I hope I can make it even stronger, bring in some new ideas on how to play the game and also bring the group together.
I've already found my place in the team and I'm really looking forward to what the future has to bring, if it's defeats or victories, we're going to go through it together and I feel like Alliance is the team I'd like to do so with.
My first official tournament with Alliance will be IEM San Jose, there will be a lot of strong teams participating and I hope we can show up with a strong performance, even with only a few weeks of practice.
I'd like to finish with thanking all of those who have supported me during the past month, I wouldn't have passed this far without it.
Best Regards,
Martin 'Rekkles' Larsson.


HALAMADRID yo te invoco

1 1 respuesta

Era obvio, GO A!


Una pena, fnatic notará la marcha de uno de los mejores adc de Europa


Pues eso que ojala todo los partidos que juegue los pierda, a mi me gustaba solo le faltaban huevos, pero todo lo que ha dado el equipo por el y que haga esto FUERA niñato!!!! Ojala el año que viene llores tambien ;)

10 1 respuesta

Desde este momento Rekkles vuelve a autoatacar para MV


Y con quien se queda ahora Fnatic como roster?
Y alliance? Ahora serán ya imparables del todo no?

1 respuesta

Its happening.


ME cago en todo lo posible. Ostia.


Desde este momento Rekkles deja de ser "el mejor AD de EU" para MV.

23 1 respuesta

#7 de momento fnatic se queda sin adc actualmente, no se sabe si volvera puszu o ficharan un carry, tambien hay rumores de que peke/cyanide/s0az se piran

#10 lo fue alguna vez? para mi siempre ha sido f0rgiven XD


Niels llegará como ADC o Puszu.

el problema sigo viendolo en Xpeke, en serio, y más desde que hablé con su madre via twitter y me contestó cosas que dan que pensar.




Amaba a Rekkles, odiaba a FNC Rekkles. Ahora mismo me estoy haciendo pajas de sangre


Se llevan al mejor ADC del mundo, lo mismo ALL empieza a tener un estilo vistoso y todo.

1 respuesta

omg no entiendo como los de fnatic no tiran a los lastres q los buenos se tengan q pirar a otros equipos!!


supongo que lo de Tabzz o Niels no tardara en oficializarse


Al menos pide disculpas por todo este tiempo que ha estado mudo, que es lo que a mi me ha parecido que ha hecho realmente mal. Y se va con buenas palabras, no al estilo Tabbz xD


#5 the hate is real xd


Error clamoroso de ALL, cambiando a un AD mejor por alguien peor, aunque posiblemente les vaya mejor por su estilo paciente y pasivo.

FNC deberia ir a por tabzz si RalleZ no está al alcance.


Ojala le atropelle un autobus.


Si llega Niels ni tan mal para FNC



First and foremost, as most of you know already by now I am no longer part of Fnatic, the team or the organisation and instead now part of Alliance.

There are numerous of reasons behind the move I made after the World Finals, but not enough legitimate explanations on how I handled it all and due to that I'd like to apologize towards everyone involved (organisations/players) and also you guys.
I left all of you in the dark, not one word has come from my side during the past month and that is the biggest mistake I did in all of this,
I've tried to tell myself many times that it's my first time having to handle contract related questions, team issues, organisation transfer and much, much more, but I understood after a while that going full radio silence wasn't the best decision, less keeping it.
I do not expect an apology to cover up for the mistakes I've made, but I hope some of you understand the tough situation I was put in and how much remorse I have today.

Before moving forward, I'd like to address some words towards Fnatic, both the players and the organisation.

First and foremost, Enrique (xPeke), Bora (YellOwStaR), Paul (sOAZ), Lauri (Cyanide), Chris (nRated) and Johannes (Puszu), I'd like to thank all of you for making the past 2 years a memory of a lifetime.
You guys will always be family to me and I hope there are similar sentiments from your side, even now once we officially gone separate ways.
You will always have a special place in my heart, without you I wouldn't have become the person and player I am today.

Secondly, I'd like to send my regards towards Fnatic, the organisation who picked me up when I was underaged, kept me under their wings untill the point I was eligble to play professionally, brought me into the team and raised me to become once again, the player and person I am today.
We've had our issues with one another, but aside of that I couldn't ask for a better start of my career. I am deeply grateful for the things you have done for me and I hope one day our paths will cross one another's once again.

Now, I hope some of the things I left unclear has been cleared out and hopefully the future is bright.

Alliance is a very strong team and I hope I can make it even stronger, bring in some new ideas on how to play the game and also bring the group together.
I've already found my place in the team and I'm really looking forward to what the future has to bring, if it's defeats or victories, we're going to go through it together and I feel like Alliance is the team I'd like to do so with.
My first official tournament with Alliance will be IEM San Jose, there will be a lot of strong teams participating and I hope we can show up with a strong performance, even with only a few weeks of practice.

I'd like to finish with thanking all of those who have supported me during the past month, I wouldn't have passed this far without it.

Best Regards,

Martin 'Rekkles' Larsson.

1 respuesta

tl; dr

1 respuesta

Me deja un poco frío la forma en la que Rekkles ha tratado esto, la verdad.

1 comentario moderado

#24 En FNC no me voy a comer una mierda, me voy a ALL

2 respuestas

No hace falta tanto wall of text, con las dos frases del exmanager de FNC en twitter se entiende el por qué de su marcha.

2 respuestas

Lo que me parece a mi es un nuevo Fnatic Incarnation Rekkles Yolo.Si no al tiempo esperar 1 o 2 años


Me ha decepcionado, pero tambien me decepciona la actitud de Soaz. Feelings por todos los sitios