Y con razón, esta persona lo ha resumido todo de una forma majestuosa.
-Not done loads of things that have long been needed or requested (Client, Replays, Sandbox mode, improving the early leveling experience, fighting against botters)
-Been incredibly slow with addressing long-standing issues, along with not doing much to reassure us that they will solve said issues (anything from the legendary Syndra bugs to the Minion Blocking)
-Have only now announced/started tackling certain things that should have been present long ago (Ranked Team Builder, Tribunal)
-Have written-off some relevant & popular concepts with dumb excuses or haven't even looked into them (Workshop or Voice Communication for the former, Coaching mode for the latter)
-Caused the ire of the community with stupid approaches to certain concepts (Chromas; not the concept itself, but the way it has been handled so far, with Chromas being put in expensive packs and exclusively sold for RP, instead of being sold individual for RP and IP, along with some being given out with Champion Mastery. Don't even mention the slow roll-out)
-Sub-par and greedy realizations of popular concepts, ones that they have even written-off (partially, at least) in the past ("Crowdfunding" & the current Pool Party event. Pitiful rewards, far too expensive and difficult to contribute too, lame rewards, bad marketing/clarity)
-Pointless endeavors that fail to achieve relevant potential goals (HUD/UI remake that seems to be focused on "minimalistic design and clarity"... Yet doesn't feature the only really relevant change, adding an interface similar to that of the Spectator UI which would allow the Player to see the CDs (and such) of their Allies' Summoner Spells and Ultimates; no ability to click on your Allies to see what they are leveling and such)
-Apparent lack of interest and desire to even consider such relevant and useful features, sometimes even directly stated (In addition to the previous one, for example, the ability to Alt-Click your HP Bar or Abilities or Summmoner Spells, which would write out a quick message to your Allies, telling them how much HP you have or whether your Ability/Spell is ready)
-Apparently lack of interest and desire to earn more money and offer us Players more "cosmetic"/flair features (No HUD/UI Skins and no Announcer Packs; both fun concepts that would be "relatively easy" to implement yet would yield large profits; new HUD/UI changes work actively against this option)
Far more difficult subjects:
-Balancing & revamping Champions (I personally dislike their so-far shown balance methods/modus operandi)
-Slow speed of Remakes (So Taric will get a VU & Gameplay Remake in 2018, right?)
-Enforcing & purposely balancing the game in such a way so that they can define how it plays, to a tee (Self explanatory)