No preguntéis por los horarios, los tenéis todos en #1
Grande Shacker, la Q para entrar y quedarte en medio de ellos sabiendo el cc que tienen... y encima ulti a annie cuando tenia todo en cd xd
Ya se que el jungla sustituto esta enfermo, solo digo que a este tio lo deberian de peinar, solo por lo que ha hecho en la anterior de mantener un sighstone en el minuto 70 xD
Play-In 1
Top 20 teams from the Ranked 5s Ladder are split into five brackets of four.
Each match is a Best of One.
Each bracket winner advances into the Challenger Series #1.
Challenger Series #1
Round of 8, Single Elimination
Three teams pre-qualified who dropped from the Promotion Tournament
Five teams from Play-In #1.
Each match is a Best of Three.
Winning teams earn cash prizes and points based on their finish
Top three teams advance to Challenger Series #2.
Challenger Series #2, where they will be joined by another five teams from another twenty team qualifier identical to the one for Challenger Series #1.
Teams earn points from finishes in each Challenger Series. The top six teams with the most points will compete against each other, where the top three will earn a spot in the next LCS Promotion Tournament.
Con Amin hubiera sido totalmente diferente, NiP ha jugado con 4.
Kou cada partido me soprende mas. Con suerte los veremos en la LCS el próximo split