LEC 2021: Summer Playoffs


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#4050 Me acaba de llegar ahora mismo, 6 latas xD


Parece que Jankos veia venir la hostia

I think in 2020 you could already see that teams were challenging us more. We couldn't cleanly swipe either of that seasons' Playoffs ⁠— we lost to MAD Lions in spring and Fnatic in summer. In the end, we did secure the championship, but it was not as one-sided as it was in 2019. It made sense that if we didn't step up enough in 2021 that we could struggle in the post-season, and that's what happened.

It feels like that we are maybe not as ahead of the players on other teams as we were before on an individual level and we are not as ahead in macro as we used to be compared to 2019.


Me hace gracia que diga que están "not as ahead" para evitar decir "behind"

2 respuestas

#4773 Me falta un poco de contexto pero si habla de Spring - Summer diría que aun perdiendo en el Spring se seguían viendo mejores pero sin tanta distancia. Si son conclusiones de temporada a ver, claramente estaba por detrás que por algo no clasificaron.

2 respuestas

#4774 igual es lo que tu dices, pero el segundo párrafo como habla en presente pensé que se refería al final de la temporada


#4774 #4773 La segunda cita va antes de la primera.

Esta es la pregunta y respuesta entera:

How much of G2 being challenged more this year was due to the other LEC teams improving?

I do think that overall teams have gotten much better. There are a lot of young players that are definitely stepping up. I think Inspired has improved a lot, especially this year. I think Elyoya is stepping up quite a lot as well; I think the bot lane of Kaiser and Carzzy is very, very strong. I think that Rogue as a team overall has stepped up quite a lot as well, and I think Fnatic found the roster they needed with their changes to the jungle and top lane positions.

It feels like all of the teams kind of found their way of getting better. It feels like that we are maybe not as ahead of the players on other teams as we were before on an individual level and we are not as ahead in macro as we used to be compared to 2019.

I think in 2020 you could already see that teams were challenging us more. We couldn't cleanly swipe either of that seasons' Playoffs ⁠— we lost to MAD Lions in spring and Fnatic in summer. In the end, we did secure the championship, but it was not as one-sided as it was in 2019. It made sense that if we didn't step up enough in 2021 that we could struggle in the post-season, and that's what happened.



Si en el mundial se empiezan a ver Yummis top, se seguirá considerando a Wunder un subnormal o un adelantado?

2 respuestas

#4777 oh no...otro timelord de ciertos fans no por favor....


#4777 Ya estuvo de moda en soloq hace poco