Mid August Patch Preview


Como siempre Riot nos saca el vídeo para que veamos los cambios que van a hacer a los campeones, como todavía no han salido o no he visto notas y datos con numeritos para las habilidades no los pongo, lo que si os dejo es el vídeo y una somera descripción de los cambios hechos.

Cosas que cambian:

  • Garen - Hacerlo más débil en lane pero más fuerte en late game.

  • Katarina - Rework.

  • Varus - Hacer que el ultimate sea más claro para que tu equipo pueda ver a quien va dirigido.

  • Zyra - Nerf porque está OP.

  • Friends List - Se van a poder añadir notas a los contactos

Nota del Moderador: En este hilo se ira actualizando con todo lo referente a patch notes y demas, otros hilos sobre el mismo tema seran cerrados, el campeon nuevo tiene su propio hilo ya aunque venga dentro de este patch.


Zyra está súper OP...


El ulti de zyra es demasiado op, ayer eche una con una zyra malilla, que fedeo a una akali y por el chat solo le dije que no se desesperase, que en mid y late su ulti es op y eso es lo que importa, obviously ganamos.


Y la ulti de Darius?

2 respuestas

#4 No compares la de Darius con la de Zyra sry XD


#4 Darius tiene que haber bajado la vida previamente para ejecutar, zyra tenia una ulti con un rango ultra retard, aproximadamente del tamaño del stun de amumu, con un daño aun mas retard, y por si fuera poco, si no salias del area te metia un cc que a mi personalmente me parece que sobra xd

2 respuestas

#6 y las semillas que puede echar antes del ulti, para mas inri.

1 respuesta

#7 y lo mejor es el early, si la matas tienes todas las papeletas de llevarte una ostia y morir xd


#6 Y que mas da si te coge con 30 o 35 % de vida te tumba ya ves tu y que no haya otro por ahi con la misma vida que se va contigo

Press R to win.

Compre a zyra y bleh tampoco me gustó tanto es mas ni la toco ya.

A ver como queda esa kata

1 respuesta

#9 No estoy diciendo que la ulti de darius no este rota, pero que la de zyra la tiras en tf y ahi vuela 1/4 de vida de cada miembro del team como poco en 1 segundo, sumale el resto de skills y la pasiva si es el focus.


Lo de las notas en los friends impresionante, ahora en las notas de cada uno de los de mv voy a poner el nick de aqui y el de irc porque me teneis loco con uno distinto en cada sitio...

Los demas cambios los veo bien, si me pongo a pensar seguro que echo en falta algun nerf ligero y bueno... buffs hacen falta a muchos pjs pero vamos a dejarlo ahi, pasara otro año antes de que arreglen a eve y a twitch porque la primera es la peste que venia siendo (poco mejor) y el segundo no vale para carry que es lo que se supone que es.


Nose para que suben a garen si darius hace lo mismo y encima la ulti cada vez que mata la vuelve a tener y garen no,dificil eleccion jajaja


Los iconos de las nuevas skills de Kata:

Un par de skins nuevas:

Y algo de las notas del patch, aunque como siempre solo son las del PBE asi que no os fieis que sean las finales...

Rengar (New Champion)

Damage:58(+3 per level)
Health:520(+85 per level)
Movement Speed:320
Armor:19.5(+3.5 per level)
Magic Resist:31.25(+1.25 per level)
Health Per 5 Sec:7.05
Mana Per 5 Sec:0

Passive: Unseen Predator
While in brush or stealth Rengar will leap at the target when using his basic attack.

Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity with each ability he uses on enemies. When reaching 5 points of Ferocity, Rengar's next ability becomes empowered, granting it a bonus effect.

Q: Savagery
Rengar's next basic attack deals bonus damage and grants him increased attack speed.

Ferocity Bonus: Rengar deals enhanced damage and doubles his Attack Speed bonus.
Range - 300
Cooldown - 6 seconds

W: Battle Roar
Rengar lets out a battle roar, damaging enemies and gaining bonus armor and Magic Resist for a short duration.

Ferocity Bonus: Rengar heals for a large amount.
Range - 400
Cooldown - 0 secs

E: Bola Strike
Rengar throws a bola at his target, slowing them for a short duration.

Ferocity Bonus: Roots the target for 1 second.
Range - 575
Cooldown - 12/11/10/9/8 Seconds

R: Thrill of the Hunt
Rengar activates his predatory instincts, stealthing and revealing all enemy Campions in a large radius around him. He gains Movement Speed and rapidly generates Ferocity while stealthed.

Range - 2000
Cooldown - 120/80/40 Seconds

Katarina (Reworked)

Health changed from 478 (+83 per level) to 505 (+80 per level)
Armor changed from 18.75 (+4 per level) to 20.5 (+3.5 per level)

Voracity (Passive)
Champion kills or assists reduce Death Lotus's cooldown by 10 seconds and refresh basic abilities.

Bouncing Blades (Q)
Throws a dagger dealing 50/85/120/155/190 (+0.5) magic damage. The dagger bounces to the 4 closest enemies dealing 10% less damage with each bounce.

Enemies hit are marked for 4 seconds. Katarina's basic attacks or spells will consume the mark dealing 15/30/45/60/75(+0.2) additional magic damage.

Range - 675
Cooldown - 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 Seconds

Sinister Steel (W)
Whirls daggers in a circle dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.3) magic damage. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains 12/20/28/36.5/44% movement speed for 1 second

Range - 750
Cooldown - 4/4/4/4/4 Seconds.

Shunpo (E)
Moves to a target's location. Deals 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.4) magic damage if the target is an enemy.

After using Shunpo, Katarina takes 20% reduced damage for 3 seconds

Range - 700
Cooldown - 14 Seconds.

Death Lotus (R)
Becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers at the closest 3 enemy Champions dealing 400/500/600 (+1.75) magic damage over 2 seconds.

Daggers apply Grievous Wounds, reducing incoming healing by 50% for 3 seconds.

Range - 550
Cooldown - 60 Seconds

Champion Changes

Feast now deals 1000 (+0.7) true damage to minions, up from 1000. Now loses half of his stacks on death, compared to loses up to 3.

Feral Scream Minor tooltip rewording (no change)

Vorpal Spikes Minor tooltip rewording (no change)

Courage now passively increases Armor and Magic Resist by 20% instead of increasing it by 0.5 every time he kills an enemy unit.

Courage defensive shield now lasts 2/3/4/5/6 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Now reduces incoming damage by 30% at all ranks instead of 20/24/28/32/36%. Now also grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction. Cooldown changed to 24 seconds instead of 30/27/24/21/18 Seconds.

Decisive Strike now also breaks all slows affecting Garen. 35% Speed bonus now lasts 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 (up from 30/45/60/75/90) and Silence effect duration changed to 1.5/1.8/2/2.3/2.5 seconds instead of a flat 2.5 seconds at all ranks.

Demacian Justice now has a 160/120/80 seconds cooldown, changed from 140/120/100 seconds.
Judgment no longer breaks slow effects or reduces the duration of slow effects. Now deals 20/45/70/95/120 plus 70/80/90/100/110 % of his attack (+0.9) physical damage instead of 50/90/130/170/210 physical damage.

Judgment can critically strike dealing bonus damage. Judgment deals 25% less damage to minions and monsters.

Perseverance now regenerates after 10 seconds, up from 7 seconds - If Garen has not taken damage from monsters,towers or champions in the last 10 seconds, Garen regenerates 0.5% of his maximum Health each second.

Righteous Fury now scales from 40% of AP, up from 20%.

Toxic Shot now deals 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4) damage, up from 9/18/27/36/45 (+0.14). Now deals 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.1) damage over 4 seconds, down from 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.14).

Blighted Quiver: Now does 2/2.8/3.5/4.3/5 % (+0.02%) of the target's maximum Health per stack, up from 2/2.8/3.5/4.3/5 % (+0.01%)

New Items

Bonetooth Necklace
Item Cost - 1000
+20 Attack Damage (+2 per level) UNIQUE Passive: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions, and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills and assists grant 1 trophy, and 1 trophy is lost on death. 2 Trophies: +25 Movement Speed. 6 Trophies: +10 Armor Penetration, +5% Cooldown Reduction. 12 Trophies: Rengar's leap gains 150 bonus range. 18 Trophies: New Active: Instantly gain 5 Ferocity.

Todo sacado de RoG, como siempre


Me rio yo si lo de Garen es un buff, le cascan el early para...le cascan el early por que solo tiene eso, QUE BIEN!!!!!


La verdad es que lo de Garen parece bastante absurdo a priori, el nerf al early es bastante bestia y no parece que se vaya a compensar con el minibuff al late. Ademas, el mayor problema de Garen hoy en dia tiene nombre, y se llama Darius, que cumple su misma funcion bastante mejor que el.


en este parche ponen la skin de nauti_?


Me parece un poco cagada lo de garen... Y lo de Zyra, me parece dpm, y esto también:

"Tenemos algunos cambios importantes preparados para la siguiente versión que se han considerado inadecuados para una revisión. Por ejemplo, aumentaremos levemente el tamaño de las casillas de su planta para que sea más fácil hacer clic con el botón derecho, colorearemos de nuevo el misil de Raíces atenazadoras para que destaque más y haremos que su forma pasiva responda mejor." Coño, ya estaba harto de intentar matarlas e irme a melé sin querer...

1 respuesta

#17 pues no he entendido nada de lo que quieren decir jaja y la he jugado.. nose :s

2 respuestas

#18 Pues q para pegarle a la planta ahora sera mas facil, y no le clicaras sin querer al suelo pensando q le estas clicando a la planta


#18 es como el hitbox de los shooters tipo counter strike, vamos que aumentan el tamaño de donde virtualmente puedes pinchar en la planta para seleccionarla, que como antes era muy pequeño, era jodida de targetear, y te ibas a melé andando sin querer y te metías en rango xd.


Joder pensaba que tenía muñones en vez de dedos cuando me veía incapaz de targetear a las plantas.


GG RIOT , menudo nerf mas estupido a Garen.


Pool party ziggs op, arrasa! lástima que apenas se use :p


Las notas finales:

League of Legends v1.0.0.145

Rengar, the Pridestalker

Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Rengar will be released at a future date



Base Health Regen reduced to 8.25 from 9.85
Health Regen per level reduced to 0.75 from 0.85
Base Attack Damage reduced to 56 from 60.1
Attack Damage per level increased to 3.5 from 3

Perseverance (Passive)

Delay increased to 9 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer deactivates when damaged by lane minions
Now displays the Health Regen gained in the tooltip

Decisive Strike

Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12/11/10/9/8
Movement Speed increased to 35% at all ranks from 15/20/25/30/35%
Movement Speed duration adjusted to 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 seconds from 4 at all ranks
Base damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/45/60/75/90
Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2.5 at all ranks
Now removes slows on activation
Can now critically strike again
Buff duration reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
Fixed: Garen's next basic attack after Decisive Strike no longer occurs unusually quickly
Fixed: Decisive Strike is no longer consumed if Garen fails to finish attacking
While performing Decisive Strike, Garen now continues to follow his target if they are moving


Changed to passively increase Armor and Magic Resist by 20% rather than 0 to 25 based on kills
Damage reduction adjusted to 30% from 20/24/28/32/36%
Active now additionally grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction
Duration adjusted to 2/3/4/5/6 seconds from 3/3/3/3/3
Cooldown adjusted to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 30/27/24/21/18


Damage adjusted to 20/45/70/95/120 (+0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1 total Attack Damage) from 50/90/130/170/210 (+1.4 bonus Attack Damage)
Damage dealt to minions increased to 75% from 50%
No longer removes slows on activation or reduces the duration of incoming slows while active
Ignores unit collision during Judgment but takes a 20% Movement Speed penalty when spinning through minions
Fixed: Judgment no longer locks out Garen from taking other actions longer than intended

Demacian Justice

Cooldown adjusted to 160/120/80 seconds from 140/120/100


Remove Scurvy
Fixed: Remove Scurvy now removes Blinds


Improved the responsiveness of his basic attacks, primarily in Hammer stance
Fixed: The first basic attack after swapping to Mercury Cannon is now more responsive

Katarina (Gameplay and Art Remake)

Voracity (Passive)

Champion kills or assists reduce Death Lotus's cooldown by 10 seconds and refresh basic abilities
Bouncing Blades
10/9.5/9/8.5/8 second cooldown
Katarina throws a dagger which deals 50/85/120/155/190 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage. The dagger bounces to the 4 closest enemies dealing 10% less damage with each bounce
Enemies hit are marked for 4 seconds. Katarina's basic attacks or spells will consume the mark dealing 15/30/45/60/75 (+0.2 Ability Power) magic damage

Sinister Steel

4 second cooldown
Whirls daggers in a circle dealing 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.5 bonus Attack Damage) (+0.35 Ability Power) magic damage. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains 12/20/28/36/44% Movement Speed for 1 second


14/12/10/8/6 second cooldown
Moves to a target's location. Deals 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage if the target is an enemy
After using Shunpo, Katarina gains 20% damage reduction for 3 seconds

Death Lotus

60/55/50 second cooldown
Becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers at the closest 3 enemy Champions dealing 400/500/600 (+3 bonus Attack Damage) (+1.75 Ability Power) magic damage over 2 seconds
Daggers apply Grievous Wounds, reducing incoming healing by 50% for 3 seconds


Righteous Fury
Ability Power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2


Aegis of Zeonia
Slight increase in the speed of the jump
Now places Pantheon slightly in front of the target instead of directly on top of the enemy


Dragon's Descent
Fixed a bug where Dragon's Descent would hitch on initial use when using skins


Toxic Shot
Damage on impact increased to 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4 Ability Power) from 9/18/27/36/45 (+0.14 Ability Power)
Poison Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.1 from 0.14
Fixed: Fixed a bug where the poison was lasting longer than intended
Fixed: Damage values will now update correctly when Teemo hits a unit with a lower level Toxic Shot poison


Piercing Arrow
Fixed: Piercing Arrow no longer sometimes fires from a point above his bow
Fixed: Piercing Arrow now more reliably hits targets at the end of its range

Blighted Quiver
Ability Power ratio on Blight stack detonation increased to 0.02 per stack from 0.01

Chain of Corruption
Missile width increased to 100 from 60
Increased missile visibility
Spread range from primary target to nearby targets increased to 550 from 450
Tendril break range increased to 600 from 550


Fixed: Satchel Charge's timeout tone will now play properly


Rise of the Thorns (Passive)
Now properly cancels spell casts upon activation

Rampant Growth
Destroying a seed no longer breaks spell shields
Plant selection radius increased slightly

Grasping Roots
Modified the vine particle to be easier to see


Friend List notes
Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Friend List notes will be released at a future date
Updated tooltips for Cho'Gath
The main HUD health and mana bars will now display regen per second as opposed to regen per 5 seconds
The "Reset HUD" button in the "Interface Options" menu will now set the global scale value to the correct amount
Fixed: Wraiths and Lesser Wraiths no longer state they steal life in the tooltip

Proving Grounds

Nexus turrets
Amount increased back to 2 from 1
Health reduced by 900
Armor reduced by 20
Base Attack Damage reduced by 30

With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.


Rengar, the Pridestalker

Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Rengar will be released at a future date


1 respuesta

#25 menos mal, que no tengo ni errepes ni ipes.

1 respuesta

#26 Jugue esta semana como un poseso para sacarmelos, y ahora que no sale me encuentro vacio :( quiero mi leon!


With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.

Guay, un LoL más atractivo, esto si que me gusta, ya veremos :D


Pues viendo como quedará al final garen... la verdad es que no sé, la E se ha llevado un nerf bastante guapo...


Menudo NERF se ha llevado la E de Garen. Useless total, pero vamos...de calle.