MLG Spring Championship

Por favor, leed #1 antes de postear, no estéis siempre preguntando lo mismo.

20:00 - 20:30 Pregame Show
20:30 - 22:30 Winners Finals
22:30 - 00:30 Losers Finals
00:30 - 06:00 Finals

Stream de MV en Castellano
Stream oficial.
Brackets y resultados.




#4000 Hombre en el tercero le han jodido pero bien nada mas empezar la partida, llevaba 3 minions y TOO 12 cuando ha tenido que hacer el primer b, que creo que no era ni level 2.

Ademas creo que se le han presentado muy pocas ocasiones de gank a parte las ganks con nocturne + karthus son mucho mas faciles, era previsible que TOO le meara jungleando, y sin contar el ulti de kayle para hacer dive tambien.

Yo creo que TSM se ha buscado una buena manera de ganar early con esos combos para gankear ya que ni hacer towerhug te salva


Mmm, alguien sabe el nombre de la canción de fondo que sale con el teaser de la MLG ahora en el stream oficial cada vez que lo abres? .

It's awesome >_<


#4017 Si bien estoy de acuerdo 100% con tu comentario, me encanta CLG (jiji+doublelift) y no soy para nada un fanboy de SK (creo que necesitan o bien rehacer el team o tener un milagro en forma de que alguien mejore su forma de juego muchísimo), creo que el cambio de mid a solo top es mucho más drástico que de solotop a jungler, más que nada por el hecho de que muchos de los solotops que se juegan pueden (y son) junglers perfectamente.

Eso no quita que HSGG lo haya hecho genial, y que por ejemplo se vea que Kev1n es muy burro al adaptarse a donde sea con mucha facilidad.

También me parece una cagada enorme cambiar a un player a solotop a ¿mes/meses? de un torneo grande como esta MLG, teniendo en cuenta que días antes aun se podía ver a Ocelote preguntando que tenía que pillar contra x/y en top, me parece una línea importantísima, donde gente como dyrus, wickd, s0az, etc entienden muchísimo que hacen, porque y cuando.


#4020 Se esta viendo mucho fanboy aparte de Kayle, Oriannas tambien hay a millares. xD


Lo de ocelote top no tiene nombre... como ap me parecia bueno , capaz de hacerle frente a cualquiera al menos, en top... tiene un repertorio de champs muy reducido y los usa a medio fuelle nose... el cambio personalmente no me gusta.


Y mira que Reinald que estaba en su mismo caso ha demostrado que se puede adaptar y jugar ofensivamente mejorando tu farmeo, creo que era el paso que debería haber dado Ocelote en vez de irse a top, porque lo podía hacer perfectamente, pero por razones X o Y no ha querido.


sk podria quitar a candy que no le veo motivado ni jugando como hacia antes,poner a shusei en mid ya que ahora esta volviendo a jugar hay y kevin en bot que de carry lo hacia bastante bien,yo creo que si sushei volviera a jugar con los ap como hacia podrian ser 1 equipo bastante mejor que el de ahora

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#4027 tu deja a kev1n en medio que les esta sacando las castañas del fuego a SK xD

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#4028 jaja lo se,pero es que me acuerdo que antes de meterse en sk creo que jugaba de ad y lo hacia bastante bien,y como candy esta tan mal,pues podria ser una solucion :clint:

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#4029 Antes de antes de antes estaba en (jugando top) el cual quedó 5o/6o en la season1 gracias a candy, si tiramos para atrás pues imaginate, hasta shushei era Dios :3


Donde coño puedo ver la puta entrega de premios? Me he comido la final ya dos veces y sigo sin verla. Sigh.


Xpecial sobre la MLG


First, I'd like to give my thanks to Major League Gaming for picking up League of Legends for the MLG Pro Circuit and for making Anaheim a very successful event - for viewers.
So far, MLG Anaheim has been the strictest tournament by far and it was not something that necessarily was the best decision and I hope that the staff is aware of this.

  • Breaks between game. Often times, after a few 30-40 minute games, players have an urge to use the restroom. For the first day, any restroom breaks were completely disallowed and we were forced to wait in the booths for the next match to start, which sometimes took up to 5 minutes. MLG eventually gave us breaks after such information was made public on Reddit.

  • Sound Issues. When games are delayed, it is more often due to sound issues than teams arriving late. MLG wanted to enforce the time schedule to the best of their ability, consequently this often forced teams to play without sound or communication. This affected CLG.EU in their game versus us and it is very frustrating for the players. This was also a problem for TSM.Evo in their game vs Orbit. Nhat was saying that the Astro headset set-up (which is basically a LAN communication hub) was not available for their station, forcing them to use Skype (least delay). Unfortunately, this meant that whenever the crowd behind them starting cheering, the noise would flood into Skype, making it impossible to communicate. One could imagine how difficult this might be during teamfights or even when the crowd was cheering for one of the other two matches that were likely being played at the same time.

  • Booths. The soundproof booths were awesome - unless you had it the first day. The initial day, the booths were incredibly deafening for the players and the white noise would enter into mics, amplifying it and hindering communication (ironic, isn't it?). Also, in order for the booth to be ventilated, air would be pumped into the booths making it really cold. Fortunately, both these problems were resolved by the second day.

  • Browsers. Whether it was at IEMs, IPLs or even MLG Providence, the notion that browsers had to be turned off for the start of a game was followed. But at MLG Anaheim, this was taken a step further, browsers were not allowed to be used at all, whether before or after a game. Players were then not allowed to communicate with fans on their Facebooks/Twitters, which I felt was an unneeded inconvenience for no benefit at all.

  • Warming up on Dominion. Unless you had the liberty of playing in the booths, you were forced to warm up on Dominion. The admins went around telling players to get off of custom Summoner's Rift games and only play on Dominion, which I believe was simply a gesture of inexperience on MLG's part. However, it's something that definitely needs to be changed.

  • Warming up in general. When series were brought to three close games, players were given very little time to warm-up, sometimes it wasn't enough time to do more than checking settings on hardware and software. This meant that some players didn't get any warm-up, which for some can impact a game negatively.

  • Brackets and scheduling. Teams were given no information about brackets until an hour before the tournament started. I understand that the open bracket would have attributed to this, but there is simply no reason to not give any information whatsoever to the teams. We, Team Solomid, knew we were first seed for MLG, but we did not know when we would play our first match. We arrived at the event at around 1:30 PM, checked-in and had to wait for the brackets to be released at 4 PM. Then, we were told that we were playing at 10:30 PM, meaning that we had to wait 9 hours just to play our first match, something that could have easily been made known hours or even days ahead of time. Being more transparent could have made it so much simpler for players and cause much less frustration.

Anyways, I loved the amount of fans that attended their event and... AMA!

Me parece lamentable por parte de la organización poner esas condiciones y putear de esa manera a los equipos, os aconsejo que vayáis al link y veáis lo que responde a las preguntas de la gente, es muy interesante:

P: Now that you guys are declared to be the best in NA, do you feel like you guys are ready to face M5 once again?

R: Always


el problema mas gordo parece que fue el del sonido, pero vamos, son fallos no muy graves en general

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#4033 ??

Tanto que van de la mejor liga tal y cual, y tratan a los jugadores como esclavos? A jugar a esto, no puedes ir al baño entre partida y partida, no puedes practicar, no puedes hablar con los fans ?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿??


De donde podría descargarme las repeticiones? Gracias

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No sé si se ha posteado por aquí pero en una entrevista informal Froggen desveló que el secreto de anivia es...


a mi tambien me interesa la pregunta de #4035 , si alguien lo sabe estaria agradecido que quiero ver a dyrus trolleando con kayle xd

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Yo lo estoy viendo por aquí:
Que está todo

2 respuestas

#4038 thx ^^


#4038 en que apartado o donde se ven los partidos, no tengo ni papa

#4041 vale me acabo de dar cuenta, perdonporelretraso.jpg

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#4040 vamos a ver, eso que ocupa el 90% del navegador es un video, con su barra de navegacion y demas, el video dura 57 horas y son todos los partidos que retransmitiero, simplemente ve adelantando el video hasta que llegues a la parte que te interese

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