Posible amaño de partidos en la OGN


Pues al parecer, Promise, former jungla de AHQ ha escrito un post en facebook antes de intentar suicidarse y tirarse por la ventana (está en el hospital ahora mismo 0_0) que la organizaciíon les ha obligado a perder frente a los top teams si querian seguir jugando. Aqui va el post:

Hello , I am former pro adc aka Fimir. My associated team was called AHQ korea and my nickname was ahq K Promise. My will is on my facebook page and I will leave this world within the next 5 minutes of this post. I am here to post the things that have happened in ogns lol history including my own personal story.
Time ; 2013 LolChamps Spring
No Dae Chul Coach came up to us (the team ) and said if we did not lose against the big teams , that OGN will not let them play and have them in the league. (That they threatened to pull them out) Of course this was a LIE however we did not know at the time. All 5 of the members talked about it when HOON (former player of najin , jin air etcetc ) said he could not go through with it. As a professional player , he said that he will just play to win. That very night , the coach called ActScene and I and told us that we had to lose for the teams future. We both believed him and we planned to carry out the plan.
Supposedly Matchfixing Summary ( it is fairly long so I'll summarize it) Ktb 1-2- CJF 1-2- games We were to lose the first four games to give the points to both teams ( at the time spring ogn considered two groups of 6 teams) When we were against frost , we were really scared that we wouldn't be able to play again if we won against them. The thought of all the hard work to get in the league , to be a professional gamer. Against KTB we wanted to play the way we did , resulting in a 1:1 score. This really pissed me off , at the time I thought I was doing the right thing , for the team but we were a qualifying team , a team that practiced countless hours (beating cj frost earlier in a scrim the same day as the game day) . I told my teammates after I have given everything up. We had many riffs with the coach and the coach seemed very off and doing mysterious things. It just didn't seem right. At first , I thought that it was just his style but he started to have fits with hoon.( I thought it was just hoons personality) but time after time , it seemed like the coach didn't care about us playing and hoon with his time as a pro just knew something was off. After the Najin game , we started talking as a team and tried to find out was really happening.
AHQ COACH NO DAE CHULS SUPPOSED MATCH FIXING There was no official sponsor from AHQ. The name only came because they supported us with their mouses/merchandise/names (they did not know that at the time) All the money for the house / everyday spendings / computers came from the managers loan. The team was created so that he could matchfix using TOTO (online betting for sports , esports not completely legal) and we found out this all very late , after talking to the the official AHQ manager using skype. We did see some of the loan sharks , they came around when we were looking for a house ;;
After the skt game , we talked to the coach ( this was when they did not know that their team was created toto ; no official sponsor from ahq ; ) after few days , he came up to us and said that he will bet that they will win 2 : 0 against the najin and that we too should toto. We had no intentions of betting anything in the first place and we did not. After the najin game , 3 computers were sold and that we were told the gas /elec/ water would be cut off. of course it wasn't and it was just his plan to make us leave. We had the LG games left so we told him we would stay and we asked why he sold the computers. His response : Ahq told me to bring their money back. He was planning to make a run after selling everything he could. We talked to the manager and he said that we had no official sponsor ( before the skype talk with official ahq spokesperson or manager) , that the merchandise are just gifts for the players , not for him and that they can keep it.
We again talked to the manager and that we would leave if he paid them their salary , and other spendings etc by players . We asked him why he was selling the computers to pay ahq ( after we found out the truth) and he just started bringing up more lies. So after 3 hours of confrontation , he would pay us our money , would not touch them with their professional careers and would leave and disband the team. After a week , we had the LG games and Najin came out as victors of the game. Honestly , I felt like we could challenge anyone , the motivation to play better, but the shock and the truth of things that happened were too much too handle. I no longer could be a professional player and a year's worth of hard work were just gone like that.
I felt terrible for Ahq . Fans were calling out saying things like why did you create a team to disband it so quickly etc etc when they didn't even have a clue what was going on Talk with AHQ SPOKESPERSON Hoon ; min gi (fimirs name) this is ahq person via skype Fimir ; Hello are you there Ahq ; yes continue Fimir ; is No Dae Chul our official supervisor ? Ahq ; He said that he is your manager Fimir ; What about our sponsor? Ahq ; If I recall correctly , ahq sent the merchandise(Tesero , Corsair , Steel series , banshees ( I think names) ), team name , and uniforms to advertise . No other financial assets were given. Fimir ; are there any officials in Korea? Ahq ; No , actually ahq has no one in korea and we do not have anyone in Taiwan to oversee korean teams.
After the talk with the ahq spokesperson , everything became clear. Oh fuck , this guy created to make us into a toto team. He was always out of money , most of the times we would only eat twice a day and the manager had no say in our practices whatsoever. He would just drink and drink. He lost his toto bettings against KT (they won once) reearned his money against Frost( they lost 2:0) He would say that the money from AHQ would be taxed ( some sort of international tax lie he created) so they would be paid very late. He would always check where they went , tried to make me break up with my gf , and when we won against KT , he tried to torture me after the game.

Fuente: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/209ogj/league_scandal_must_read_source_by_former_pro_adc/


vivimos en una mentira constante, nada nuevo... aunque siempre jode darse cuenta




Wow esto si es serious business


joder y a saber que mas tramas habra...

btw aqi se lee mejor:

TRANSLATION Hello everyone, I am former LoL pro Pimir. I was on ahq Korea, also known as ahq K Promise. I also used names such as patience/AD Pimir etc. My death note is on my face book and i will be gone 5 minutes after i post this so proof that its really pimir will be on my kakaotalk and facebook.
I am writing on inven today to tell you about game fixing well since im gonna be gone soon.

Conclusion first. Me and Actscene (another ahq korea player) were only ones who were actually involved in the game fixings and other teammates kenw about it after the games. Purpose of Game Fixing: Manager Noh's Toto -toto is korean illegal betting on sports games including LoL Timeframe: 2013 Lol Champs Spring Manager Noh told the teammates taht if we don't lose to big teams (KT, CJ etc), Ongamenet threatened the team that they would not be able to play in the playoffs. Obviously its a lie but we knew about it afterwrds. Manager Noh told all of us, and Hoon said he won't be a part of it. Manager Noh called me and Actscene later that night, and we believed him so we would put game fixing to action.

Game Fixing vs KTB game 1 and 2 vs CJF game 1 and 2 if you look at all four games you will see that we gave first blood in all of teh games. game against KT, we were losing then we came back. We knew we could win the game, but in my mind we had to lose. The calls over voice and Manager Noh's voices kept on coming into my mind and I was confused the fuck out of myself. I thought this is fucking mad and they won. Game 2 vs KT, was not fixed we couldnt win at all.

When we were playing CJ, manager Noh threatened that if you win a game here, AHQ will be DQd from LoLChamps. In game vs KT, as a professional player, obvsly I wanted to win and did so. However, in game vs CJ, the threat made me realize that all my effort in becoming a pro will be useless if I win this game. I purposely didnt deal damage in team fights, flashed and ezreal E'd forward to be killed etc. We beat CJ in the morning of the game day in a scrim as well, with the exact same team comp they used in the OGN game. Hoon and I carreid the scrim. after the game, I told Hoon about the whole thing and Hoon was already having conflicts with the Manager. He said there's something off about him and because he's had long career as a professional gamer already, I guess he had senses to realize werid things the manager was doing. Why Manager Noh told us to Fix Games When we first made the team, AHQ didnt actually sponsor us in cash. THey just gave us gaming gear and the team name. Manager Noh borrowed money for our living costs, housing, computer, our pay etc. Players didnt know about this and learned about it later. He was going to play illegal sports gambling by fixing games to pay back all the borrowed money + make profits. I will mention my skype convo with actual AHQ person later for proof.

When we told teammates that game fixing happend and how Noh reacted. Because every teammate knew, we talked to manager noh after our game against SKT. He told us that we should lose vs Najin 2:0 later that week, make shitton of money and GTFO from pro scene. We told him that we arent interested in Toto gambling and we wont do it. Even at this point we didnt know that AHQ didnt sponsor us and when we came back to the living quarters after the Najin game, 3 computers were sold and he was clearing the house. He said he couldnt pay the rent and the apt said we should leave. That we would lose gas, electricity and water (even though it was Manager Noh who tried to cut them off on his own

We had Lg game coming up so we said we will stay at the living quarters until the LG game. We asked why he sold our practice omputters and Noh said AHQ is demanding money from the team. WHen i talked to actual management from AHQ in Taiwan later, none of this ever happened and they never gave them computers either. Also they never gave any of the gaming gear to manager Noh but the players themselves.

I asked if we cuold keep rest of the gear for practice and he said for sure. Noh was selling our practice computers so he could pay off the deb and run. So after our next game againt Najin, we told him we are going to leave the team. We are going to get paid for the months that he hasnt paid us. Noh told us taht I cant give you the money right now and that he will instead not take the 50% commission of the prize money if AHQ were to win.

Entire team already knew from talking to management in Taiwan that Noh was lying, that AHQ never sponsored cash, and the computers hes selling are not AHQs so why is he trying to pay back money to AHQ?

Noh lied that AHQ had rights to prize moneys and that he has to pay them although we already kenw he was lying out of his ass. We gave him evidence that we knew he was lying but he woul just argue its not true. After 23 hours of arguing we agreed that Noh would pay back the pay we've missed over the months and tha the wouldnt touch the prize money from OGN.

We couldnt practice for a week because of this and played vsLg IM game, and Najin eventaually won. We couldve done better and I knew I couldve done better but thanks to this my pro life was over and all i had left was feeling of emptiness after practicign to my best for a year.

3 line conclusion Im not in this world after 5 minutes AHQ korea was a team made by Noh to make money off illegal gambling, teammates didnt know and we had to fix games because of this. AHQ Taiwan never sponsored korean team and was a lie. I am sorry for all of this and I cant tell you everything but I am leaving now as I cant deal with this anymore.

1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

no se por que, pero no me sorprende


#6 comentario más estúpido que he visto en años


Increíble, pero de todas formas, me da la impresión de que la gente en Asia se suicida con cierta facilidad...

4 1 respuesta

#9 Ya ves, ¿no salió hace unos meses el caso de otro pavo que se intentó suicidar, o se suicidó, por alguna trama parecida?

Está a la que salta esta gente.

En fin, soluciones permanentes para problemas temporales.


Joder menudos chanchullos, esto ya parece España.


aunke me sepa mal decirlo, deberian investigar en la LCS, sobretodo a Gambit.


Todo el tema de apuestas ilegales es bastante común en Asia. Tarde o temprano tendría que llegar a los e-sports.
Esperemos que no se introduzcan en este mundo o si no cada vez que haya un resultado raro se empezará a sospechar...

1 respuesta

#6 que tiene que ver una cosa y otra? XD

este chico tenia más miedo a seguir vivo que a tirarse por la ventana, así que no me quiero imaginar la de mierda que tiene que haber ahí montada...


#14 Esta no es la primera vez que hay problemas de match fixing en Corea, hace años hubo un follón bastante gordo con SCBW. Salió en todas las televisiones del país y llegó a canales internacionales. http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Match_Fixing_Scandal

La historia se repite, a ver en qué desemboca.


Los asiáticos son tan propensos al suicidio que les han tenido que poner un surrender at 15

Muy fea noticia espero que sea mentira... aunque lo veo tan probable como la existencia de los reyes magos.

2 respuestas

La de mierda que habrá tenido que aguantar el chaval... Porque para saltar de un doceavo hay que tenerlos hierro.

Por cierto ya no esta en coma, pero sigue en estado critico y respira ayudado de un respirador.


#17 Ya ves tú que gracia, un chaval se ha intentado matar j3 surrender

La noticia parece estar ya más que confirmada. http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=105972&iskin=esports

2 comentarios moderados

Para los que se quieran mantener informados de la situación:



Un RPV y en castellano?


Koreanos trigo limpio, seguid adorándoles.


Claves del asunto para que entendais un poco lo que ha ocurrido:

  • La organización AHQ nunca ha tenido equipo en Korea.

  • Todo fue una mentira creada por Noh Dae Chul- Manager de "AHq" para ganar dinero ilegal con las apuestas.

  • El Manager mentia a los jugadores obligandoles a perder partidos de la OGN y les hacia creer que si no serian sancionados por la organizacion.

  • Los jugadores pensaban que estaban siendo "maltratados" por la organizacion (del torneo) hasta que descubren que AHQ Taiwan no sabia nada del supuesto equipo koreano a su nombre. Todo era una mentira.

2 respuestas

y en lugar de dejar el equipo o decir yo esto paso, mejor me suicido, con dos cojones xDDDDDD


Migxa en Corea no duraba ni dos dias....ahi lo dejo


Menudo hate llevan algunos con los koreanos xD

Si se descubre que es cierto los implicados acabaran en la cárcel como paso en su momento en StarCraft.

Esto es como el fútbol, en Alemania, Italia o Inglaterra se han dado casos de amaño de partidos, pero curiosamente en España donde somos más honrados que el vecino nunca pasa nada. A saber cuantas partidas en EU o NA ya se han decidido antes de jugarse.


Viendo esto ahora me da que pensar la irregularidad de los equipos de la LCS NA/EU, mas los teams europeos, una semana stompean a todos como a cual bronze y la siguiente pierden todos los partidos sin hacer un kill.


#25 Exactamente aqui la gente se le va la pinza con Asia y las organizaciones y la mayoria creo que no habra leido/entenido el texto.

Un cabronazo como cualquier cabronazo de otros paises, como el famoso arbitro (aleman?) que era amenazado por una mafia para poner partidos en contra de las apuestas.

Con los bajones misteriosos vs ciertos equipos en EU, mas de uno deberia de ver por este continente xD