Toaster sobre Origen


My experiences with OG and LCS
It all started once I got the opportunity to tryout for Origen, I was an inexperienced rookie who had no previous cs/lcs experience. I will put it out there that I didn't perform all too well in the tryout stages. This was during around 3rd and 4th weeks of LCS, when they looked for an emergency replacement. I got told that there was a possibility of them flying me over to practice with the team or potentially be there to assist Peke with learning his new role (which obviously I didn't want).
In the end OG decided to stick with peke, this decision was most likely because Peke brought a shot calling factor to the team and knew lane assignments quite well. I respected their decision, because I saw how the team was playing with Peke and honestly I had a lot of hope in them.

Few weeks later OG contacts me again and asks to tryout with them again. This was most likely a desperate move considering how downhill the team started to go in recent weeks. I played a few sets of scrims with the team and next day I'm told that I'm flying over! Never been more excited in my life honestly it's like a dream come true, I'm extremely motivated and ready to turn this split around.

I flew over 1 day before the start of Week 7 of LCS, we had a big set of scrims before the games. It honestly didn't go too well so I wasn't too confident going into our matches vs s04/ROC. We are driving to the LCS studio, I still can't believe this is happening I'm playing alongside legendary players which I respect. Anyways we arrive at the studio and everyone was motivated to win. Game starts, I'm still massively inexperienced so I'm uncertain about rotations on the map. Honestly don't remember the game whatsoever because I was so nervous, but I remember us stalling to azir/sivir late game spikes and making a comeback. Game 2: I don't even remember I just remember cancelling a lot of autos and fumbling in few fights. Anyways we lose and draw out the series but the morale of the team isn't too bad. Second day of week 7 begins, we win 2-0 vs Roccat I was quite happy about the win but my weaknesses clearly showed. Still have so many things to work on and excited to work on it! So I thought...

We have saturday off so we began practising again on Sunday. Honestly not gonna deny that I was playing insanely poorly this week, not sure what happened to me but I was making really stupid mistakes all the time. I want to give a shout out to Soaz specifically for helping me understand lane assignments and helping me improve my macro game. It was around this week that the coach started to put in Peke more and more. Every time I under performed or the team was down in morale. The knight in shining armor Peke stepped in, me being left in the shadows.

Week 8 begins we have our big game vs Giants. I'm starting for some reason even though I have been playing poorly the whole week. Guess my pride stopped me from stepping back and asking Peke to play. The game was a complete disaster vs Giants we fail to follow the game plans and do stupid stuff all the time. The lack of Peke clearly showed that game. Next day they decide to put Peke in vs Fnatic, the team obviously had a way better macro game and were able to force a tie.

As the weeks go on they are putting in Peke to play more and more. While in my opinion I was improving my macro game and lane assignments due to Soaz's teachings. My mechanics started to slack since I was trying to learn lane assignments, rotations and overall map play. So at the end of the day what was I there for? Since Peke played just as well as me and still had only slightly worse mechanics, while also bringing the shot calling into the picture. It was obvious that the team will be going with Peke the next few weeks.

Week 9 didn't go too well 0-4. Relegation time! The team decided to fully focus on playing with peke and so we headed into the boot camp. Desperate move to try and change the environment of the team, most likely to try and increase the morale of the team. There were hints of improvement but from my perspective only a few people in the team were motivated. Hence the poor scrim results and playing way way better on stage.

I'm glad OG was able to pull through in the promotion tournament and secure the spot in the LCS. I'm extremely thankful to Alvar and Paco in particular for giving me the opportunity to play for the team. Special thanks to Soaz for helping me understand the game at a higher level, and everyone else on the team for being extremely nice to me. Honestly I got thrown into the deep end and sadly didn't meet the expectations, but to see so many fans sending me messages cheering me on, sending me heartwarming messages always puts a smile on my face. Thank you guys so much I really mean it! :)



El mejor adc que ha pasado por la LCS, OG no supo aprovechar su potencial.




Cuantas partidas jugo? 2 o 3 ?


Ya era hora. Tenerlo ahí calentando las tostadas cuando podría perfectamente estar jugando... dudo que alguien pueda culparlo por esto.
Ojala se vaya a un mejor equipo y demuestre lo que tenga que demostrar.


Otra temporada con xpeke ADC.The dream

1 respuesta

#6 es obvio que va a fichar a otro adc, espero que se deje media cartera.


Normal que se vaya sabe que contra xPeke no puede competir porque el murciano a parte de estar como un puto queso y ser el yerno perfecto es el mejor en cualquier posición que se le pongan.


Mucha autocrítica el chico, espero que encuentre algun team de CS y pille experiencia.


Oportunidad perfecta para intentar el fichaje de Steelback.


Dice mucho de él que viendo que no estaba a buen nivel diga "oye, no estoy bien, podéis y no quiero lastrar, cambiarme".

Igualito que xPaco.

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Acabo bastante quemadillo jejejj

Cierro al salir.


Curioso que sólo hable bien de Soaz y Peke al igual que Forgiven.


#12 Emm, a ver, ahora que.. pues.. ¡BOMBA DE HUMO!


Me habria gustado que hubiese jugado mas,ya que es lo que OG necesitaba un tio que pese a sus fallos de macro y con falta de experiencia este motivado y quiera cada dia ser mejor.
Siempre me preguntare pq no jugo peke de mid y toasted de adc,me parecia mejor opcion que la de poe y peke.


Porque por alguna oscura razón poe juega por decreto aunque xpeke las 4 o 5 veces que le ha sustituido ha sido mucho mejor por lo general.


Qué queréis que os diga pero para ser un voluntario no lo ha hecho nada mal...


sois muy cansinos con los memes del voluntario muy cansinos, que hagas gracias de vez en cuando esta bien pero que aprovecheis TODOS los post que se hacen sobre origen para las mismas mierdas ya cansan, por que convertir el hilo en post de memes y posteriomente de insultos entre la gente que hace los memes y los "fanboy de OG" ensuciando todos los hilos.

Sobre toaster..pues a ver es normal yo tampoco me esperaba que diera un rendimiento meterse en la situacion que estaba origen puede que la presion le halla jugado una mala pasada, si al final sale de OG, le deseo lo mejor.


A toaster se le vieron cositas y tal pero quedarse tan atrás en Farm en todos los partidos que jugó creo que es lo que le pasó factura. Peke al menos no desentonaba tanto en ese aspecto.


Fuera de coñas, cómo le va a Puszu? Alguien lo sigue? Tendría nivel LCS? Es que viendo la gestión de OG capaces de fichar a Tabzz, prefiero a Puszito aunque esté por Oro 3


Ha durado lo mismo que un turista en el Bronx


de todas formas no era un carry nivel lcs imo a ver que pescamos en este nuestro mercado veraniego


Parece que no ha pasado las pruebas para ser de la crew.


Pues viendo como esta el mercado... Yo me plantearia fichar a jimbo


Pues ha hecho mas autocritica que todo el equipo junto. Algo es algo. al final el griego no va a ser tan tonto eh? xD.


Nada que reprochar al buenazo de Toaster. Muy correcto en todo lo que ha dicho y realista.


Que se pille dos inports para jungla y mid, hanssama adc y algún top de cs y a volar.


While in my opinion I was improving my macro game and lane assignments due to Soaz's teachings.

Special thanks to Soaz for helping me understand the game at a higher level

Cada día se confirma mas que Soaz es un teammate dpm que aprovecha que tiene una experiencia de la leche para ayudar a su equipo. Ojala siga dando guerra como jugador y cuando se retire acabe de coach. Si, lo sé, seria una paradoja pero creo que el tío vale.

/fanboy off

1 1 respuesta

Estáis que Hans Sama va a OG... xD

Me parece bien que el chico deje caer sus experiencias y se coloque en el mercado oficiosamente, aunque no se haya ido de manera oficial. Deja algunas pullitas sibilinas (muy british eso) en el comunicado si se sabe (mal)interpretar.

Pues yo deseo que le vaya bien, la verdad es que ha estado muy puteao el pobre, y aquí en MV somos muy de los underdogs.

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