#114 Bueno, la gracia es que creo un email para que la gente le contase historias y luego las uso en el libro. El caso de la secretaria es divertido (paso de traducirlo):
Ophelia: My current job title is Portfolio Coordinator, and everyone always asks what that means, or what it is I actually do? I have no idea. I’m still trying to figure it out. My job description says all sorts of stuff about facilitating relationships between partners, etc., which as far as I’m concerned, just means answering occasional queries.
It has occurred to me that my actual title refers to a bullshit job. However, the reality of my working life is functioning as a Personal Assistant to the Director. And in that role, I do have actual work tasks that need doing, simply because the people I assist are either too “busy” or too important to do this stuff themselves. In fact, most of the time, I seem to be the only one at my workplace who has something to do. Some days I run around frantically, whilst most of the midlevel managers sit around and stare at a wall, seemingly bored to death and just trying to kill time doing pointless things (like that one guy who rearranges his backpack for a half hour every day).
Obviously, there isn’t enough work to keep most of us occupied, but—in a weird logic that probably just makes them all feel more important about their own jobs—we are now recruiting another manager. Maybe this is to keep up the illusion that there’s so much to do?
Su teoria es que con el desarrollo tecnologico y la mecanizacion desaparecieron o se optimizaron muchos trabajos manuales y para mantener a la gente ocupada se crearon muchos trabajos en el sector servicios inutiles. Keynes vaticinaba en los 30 que al ritmo del desarrollo tecnologico la gente iba a acabar trabajando 15 horas a la semana y seguimos trabajando las mismas (o mas).
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