Pentágono rechaza investigación Porno. Infantil.


Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography:

A 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into the purchase of child pornography online turned up more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department -- including some with the highest available security clearance -- who used credit cards or PayPal to purchase images of children in sexual situations. But the Pentagon investigated only a handful of the cases, Defense Department records show.

The cases turned up during a 2006 ICE inquiry, called Project Flicker, which targeted overseas processing of child-porn payments. As part of the probe, ICE investigators gained access to the names and credit card information of more than 5,000 Americans who had subscribed to websites offering images of child pornography. Many of those individuals provided military email addresses or physical addresses with Army or fleet ZIP codes when they purchased the subscriptions.

In a related inquiry, the Pentagon's Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) cross-checked the ICE list against military databases to come up with a list of Defense employees and contractors who appeared to be guilty of purchasing child pornography. The names included staffers for the secretary of defense, contractors for the ultra-secretive National Security Agency, and a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. But the DCIS opened investigations into only 20 percent of the individuals identified, and succeeded in prosecuting just a handful.

The Boston Globe first reported the Pentagon's role in Project Flicker in July, citing DCIS investigative reports (PDF) showing that at least 30 Defense Department employees were investigated.

But new Project Flicker investigative reports obtained by The Upshot through the Freedom of Information Act, which you can read here, show that DCIS investigators identified 264 Defense employees or contractors who had purchased child pornography online. Astonishingly, nine of those had "Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information" security clearances, meaning they had access to the nation's most sensitive secrets. All told, 76 of the individuals had Secret or higher clearances. But DCIS investigated only 52 of the suspects, and just 10 were ever charged with viewing or purchasing child pornography. Without greater public disclosure of how these cases wound down, it's impossible to know how or whether any of the names listed in the Project Flicker papers came in for additional scrutiny. It's conceivable that some of them were picked up by local law enforcement, but it seems likely that most of the people flagged by the investigation did not have their military careers disrupted in the context of the DCIS inquiry.

Among those charged were Gary Douglass Grant, a captain in the Army Reserves and a judge advocate general, or military prosecutor. After investigators executing a search warrant found child pornography on his computer, he pleaded guilty last year to state charges of possession of obscene matter of a minor in a sexual act in California. Others included contractors for the NSA with Top Secret clearances; one of them -- a former contractor -- fled the country after being indicted and is believed to be in Libya.

But the vast majority of those investigated, including an active-duty lieutenant colonel in the Army and an official in the office of the secretary of defense, were never charged. On top of that, 212 people on ICE's list were never investigated at all.

According to the records, DCIS prioritized the investigations by focusing on people who had security clearances -- since those who have a taste for child pornography can be vulnerable to blackmail and espionage. The documents show that the probe then concentrated on people who had been previously suspected of or convicted of sex crimes, or had access to children as part of their Defense Department duties. But at least some of the people on the Project Flicker list with security clearances were never pursued and could possibly remain on the job: DCIS only investigated 52 people, and 76 of those on the Project Flicker list had clearances.

A DCIS spokesman didn't return phone calls. But the agency's own documents obtained via The Upshot's FOIA request indicate that the decision to press investigations forward hinged largely on questions of the resources available to the investigators. "Due to DCIS headquarters' direction and other DCIS investigative priorities, this investigation is cancelled" is a common summation in the files.

A source familiar with the Project Flicker investigations -- who requested anonymity because public disclosure could jeopardize this person's job -- confirmed that departmental resources, and priorities, were decisive factors in letting inquiries lapse.

DCIS is primarily tasked with rooting out contractor fraud and investigating security breaches; its 400 staffers were already plenty busy before Project Flicker dropped 264 more names onto their caseloads. And child pornography investigations are difficult to prosecute. Many judges wouldn't issue search warrants based on years-old evidence saying the targets subscribed to a kiddie porn website once.

"We were stuck in a situation where we had some great information, but didn't have the resources to run with it," the source told The Upshot. Many of the investigative reports obtained by The Upshot end with a similar citation of scarce resources:

Of course, other federal agencies, including ICE and the FBI, may have prosecuted some of the Project Flicker names the DCIS ignored. But that's unlikely, given that some of the DCIS investigations were closed due to lack of cooperation from ICE.

In one case, involving an Army Reserve corporal in the Pittsburgh area, a DCIS agent expressed exasperation after repeatedly trying to get ICE to collaborate with him on the investigation: "Based upon the complete non-responsiveness of ICE ... it is recommended that [the] matter be closed."

As for the 212 Project Flicker names that DCIS didn't investigate, the source familiar with the investigation said there was no systematic effort to inform their superiors or commanding officers of their suspected purchases of child pornography.

Traducción by Google

RESUMEN: se encuentra una jodienda de pornografia infantil en el pentágono en una buena cantidad de personas (algunas con credenciales de tipo "Top Secret", altos mandos, etc...) y sencillamente, el Pentágono gira la cara diciendo que tiene otras cosas que hacer.

Ya creé en su dia un post (por cierto, que no encuentro por ningún lado) sobre que se habia descubierto gente con pornografia infantil en el Pentágono. Gente de altos mandos.
Meses después, este es el resultado.

¿Que está pasando?
¿Donde está el usuario aquel de por aqui en MV que le cogieron los HDDs? Quizas quiera decir algo...


No intentes quitarle al rey su corona.


Doble moral yankee.

Nada nuevo bajo el sol.


los tentaculos de pedobear llegan hasta el pentagono


Los investigados habrán dicho "mirad mirad qué de mierda saldrá como nos toquéis los cojones con lo de la pornografía infantil chavalotes" et voilà


Y aqui tenemos la democracia de EEUU y de cualquier otro.


Según el texto, algunos de los imputados tiene el máximo nivel de seguridad, y acceso a todos los secretos de la nación. A alguien en ese escalón, no le jodes la vida así como así...


Cuanta hipocresía.

Si luego al final se descubre que los de arriba no cumplen como todos.

GUILLOTINA, lo que se necesita es GUILLOTINA.


Si le tocan los cojones a gente de tan alto mando puede ser que suelte varios secretos que sobrepasarian a esa pornografia infantil... es normal ( no es para nada normal que no les juzguen ) que en su situacion lo hagan


No es normal.
Quereis verlo normal.


¿Quien seria tan imbecil de meter CP en el lugar donde circula la infomacion mas clasificada del mundo? Tarde o temprano alguien se daria cuenta digo yo...


No entiendo que a la gente le ponga ver a niños.

#14 Es verdad, pero si un hombre mantiene relaciones con otro hombre, ambos son conscientes de lo que están haciendo. Con niños, no.

#16 No creo que tenga ni chispa de comparación.


Quien realmente controla el mundo no es ni EEUU, ni las multinacionales, ni organizaciones secretas.

Quien manda es


#12 Hay quien no entiende que a algunos hombres les gusten otros hombres.


#14 ¿Te gustan los hombres?


#15 No, era para compararlos con los pederastas.


#12 Navokob - Lolita. . No es precisamente de niños por quien Humbert Humbert se siente atraído, pero en el fondo la novela es una buena manera de acceder a algunos de los mecanismos de una mente pederasta, además de ser una obra como la copa de un pino.


#10 ¿No crees que sea cierto lo que yo he dicho? ¿Por qué?


Pregunta al aire.

¿Lo que han rechazado es una investigación interna? Es decir, el pentágono no es un organismo policial y no tiene que llevar a cabo ninguna investigación a la fuerza.

Pero eso no implica que el poder judicial de carpetazo al asunto. O al menos, eso creo yo.


#12 Niños ok, pero ¿13+ te parece raro?

#21 La comparación es erronea, violar a hombres es un delito como violar a niños. Que te gusten no lo es.


#12 esta claro que la homosexualidad no es un delito y violar a un niño si, pero igual que te gusta una cosa te puede gustar otra, digo yo. Lo que pasa es que ser pederasta no es tan cool y no te ponen a presentar programas en telecinco.


#21 Eso es exactamente a lo que me referia, lo que motiva a un homosexual a ser homosexual es lo mismo que lleva a un pederasta a serlo. Pero claro, mientras podamos usar un doble rasera y sacar grupos de presion de la nada el resto no importa.


Acaso creiais que la Party Van

Solo tenía afan disuasorio?
Su principal mision es "recaudar"!!!


Pero que quereis! !!¿que cierren mediavida?!!


#22 que? xD



¿Y que los motiva?



#26 Pues su naturaleza quizas? un homosexual no decide ser homosexual, igual que un pedofilo no decide serlo.

Esto no es un Rpg en que decides como eres.


#20 Hombre pues aunque sea legal SI xD sobre todo el 13


son unos putos viciosos pedobears y no les interesa. El problema es ke no esta mal visto ke la gente se hinche de ver porno infantil en casa, pero luego si se mira mal a quien quiere disfrutar del sexo de forma sana y abierta sin meterse con nadie.
en fin putos reprimidos.


A ver cuando lo suben a MU y lo rulan...