Thread to practise English (Part Two)


#660 When my studies let me do it I want to finish studying at university outside Spain and hopefully work also abroad :P


When my studies let me do, in a year I guess, i will left this country, and then go work to USA, now with my job I have the chance to still working in Washington :)


I'm leaving too. After finishing my master-thesis I will be working in Geneva.... Not an english speaking country but I will be surrounded by english speaking people all the time.

It may be a problem that is so fucking close to france though....I hate frenchies.....


Geneve is cool damn ... :_ , beeing close to france, allways is a problem :, any normal person hate frenchies :(

I was living 1 year and a few months in Jersey (NY) and I miss so much the people and my family :_


Yeah, everybody hates frenchies XDDD.

And I may end up living in France...because flats in Geneva are awfully expensive and France is only 20 km or so away from CERN...... That's bad.... I don't wanna learn french.... :_(

I've never been to the states, I'm willing.... but I couldn't afford it so far.


You will work at CERN? Or its a coincidence?

USA is another world mate, if you like spain, you'll not love USA, its so different, culture, people... I'm american citizen :)



I will if nothing really bad happens..... after I finished my master.

I'm not going to miss Spain too much, I lived one full year in Berlin and Hamburg and I didn't feel homesickness so I guess It wouldn't be a problem.....the real problem was returning and staying with my parents again..... I don't recommend it XD.

Why are you living here now?. Is your family still in Jersey?.


good louck working at CERN, i bet every cientist would like to work there.

and take care with the black holes!!! the world is gonna end!!!!



I actually was tempted with a thesis offer at Super-Kamiokande experiment in Japan....

It was a difficult decision

Great thesis topic+Cern "vS" Not so great thesis topic+Japan

I still have some time to think about it....


#667 Damn mate, I hope nothing bad happens with the CERN ... and you get a job D:

Actually im living in barcelona, but yup, all my family still at Jersey (Less my parents), and I hope come back with they :)


well, is more difficult to find a job in japan that in genove, maybe the best option is take the one farest from home...



Thanks :). I'm confident world-end will wait for me.... I have to be there to actually push the button! (The big red one).

Did your parents got a job here or what?.

There are not so many USA citizens working in spain....


That was the point....I mean, I would love to live in Japan, not so much in Geneva.... but the thesis is not so great..... The main problem was that If I apply for the Japanese job and I am rejected, It's possible that my actual director notices it and take the CERN offer down out of Despair...... I don't know if the "Hey japan" is so good to take the risk.....


i am going focking at carolina cerezuela this weekend


#672 Dont push the botton mate, could be the end of the world, wait to the last part of full metal alchemist <3

Nah, we are spanish, but my father works in usa/spain, and was a season that he needed to stay at USA ... :)

now we're living here, but not for a long time... i hope :)


oh my god, what an aspirations you have...
i want to finish my studies here in alicante or probably in madrid and try to work in Spain not so far of my family lol!
but i want to learn german and improve my english... im a bit naive haha



The difference may be that I don't feel so close to my family at all... I mean, I love my parents and we have a pretty good relatienship, but I don't feel the urge to be close to them.Losing contact with my friends here is more of a letdown but the most of them want also to go abroad.... I'm currently single, so there is no other chain here for me.

I think that everyone should take a try in their youth to go abroad and see how it feels.

Erasmus is a good way to "test" it.... I did it, and now I'm pretty sure that I want to live abroad.

German is first is not very encouraging, but when you learn a bit, it starts to sound completely different. Listening to a beautiful woman with sweet voice talking in german (Better if naked) is awesome an surprisingly pleasant.


i think it would be a very good experience... im trying to convince my friends to travel to london and i would like to travel to other countries like germany, switzerland... and afther that i would probably think about erasmus... but now im not sure, my friends, my girl... are here :P

and i desire to meet a woman like you describe! #676


They plays basketball freeeends!!!


#676 Yep, I like much more german than any other european lenguage and even I have not seen "beautiful woman with sweet voice talking in german" (still) I absolutely agree with you about how it sounds once you have some idea of it.

P.D I only know a BIT xD


Here another one that want to leave this country when I finish my studies, next summer IŽm planning to make some practise in another country like England or Sweden (God, I like the swedish womans :D), and when I finish my degree course maybe working in USA or England, any country different to Spain (but only some years, like 3 or 4 years).

On September 1st I have my exam at the Official Languajes School (I donŽt know if this translation is right or not), in concrete the NB1 exam (is the worst level at all, but the only one that they let me do taking it by myself for free). I think I wonŽt have any problem with the oral exam, but with the written exam maybe I have some problems, it has been a long time since I donŽt write anything in english, any tips or advice before going the exam?



Good luck with the test!.

I've taken some Official exams myself, and there are some topics they love so much. It doesn't matter which language it is.....

Last summer vacations
How bad smoking is
Free time activities
Perfect day
What you are going to do when you finish your studies.

I think I've written about these topics (Or very similar ones) at least 10 times in different levels and languages....So you may want to refresh the vocabulary to deal with them.

And most important,you should make LOTS of short redactions for training, don't mind the topic, just choose one and write the same number of words you are supposed to write within the test.

I don't know what else could I tell you, Be careful with the rephrasing xD (I hated rephrasing with official school exams xD).

2 meses después

Por favor podrías practicar un poco con esta frase:

Lo unico que quiero es ver mi viñeta dibujada por tus manos (por ti, como os venga bien), ver mi idea convertida en una obra de arte.



i just want to see my cartoon written by your hands,i want to see my idea converted in an artwork.


im going to punta cana in six hours!


#684 im gland for you


Everybody is talking about soul....I mean...body and soul, psychedelic, groove, rhythm, electric, funk...

Take a deep look inside an say back in time...they told you this is House music, and they ask you to dance and scream and shout and shake your body...down to the ground¡¡¡¡


You is an hero.

Whats up here man? Of course, i dont know what to say... :(




You are my hero.


Yo no me entero de nada !
ninja edit despues de leer la 1 pag:
IŽm go to work every day less weekend.
I have holidays now , i like snowboard and fuck in house of camp? XDDD.