#43 aun no sabemos en q server entraremos pero será PvE.
Sepia pero el factor juego/entretenimiento es mucho mas cansino en el WoW, y tu q has jugado conmigo en el EQ lo sabes mas q nadie, en el EQ se sobrevivia gracias a la dificultad y no al high end, en el WoW subes rapidisimamente, tanto lvl como tradeskills y t ekipas rapidisimamente, lo unico q luego puedes buscar son items de raids, y para pillar los buenos necesitas un guild hardcore q sea capaz de ekipar a todos los miembros en pocos meses.
T pongo los rekisitos de Mortalis antes d q salga la release del WoW?
It's almost time people! The European launch of WoW is upon us.
After basically 1,5 year working on this guild we can finally put it into action.
It was fun slacking in beta and got great hopes for this guild, but there are a few important things we needed to bring up though.
1.- No one really had to do anything to get into this guild. There was no trial period: you just joined. This does not mean your spot in this guild is set in stone. You will all have to prove yourselves. You could say everyone is on trial. When looking at the beta play styles I got a bit worried. In other words if certain people are going to play release like they did in beta (in terms of activity) they are not going to be with us for long. This pains me because I know most of you fairly well but in the end we are a raiding guild so people who can’t keep up, will be removed.
2.- Getting to level 60. We made numerous threads about pre-ordering WoW and we even contacted people in person. Not having pre-ordered and not being able to play the game at launch is your own fault. Still things can go wrong and we do want to give everyone a fair chance. We are giving everyone 2 months + 2 extra weeks to level to 60. Now keep in mind certain individuals will be 60 within 3 weeks. This should not be seen as a standard. But since levelling is so fast we can’t afford to fall behind in the guild race. Once 60 the real work begins: we need to farm items from the high end dungeons until we drop dead if we even want to get a shot at the first tier raid mobs.
3.- Class selection. The classes have been locked by officers. Everyone was given a beta account through the guild so you had more then enough time to decide on what class you’d want to play. If you want to switch contact the officers. You are only allowed to switch to a class we are in need of. Sticking with a class that has a lot/ too many people playing it, is your own choice. Keep in mind there is a raid cap. We can’t assure anyone that we won’t have to cut off the least active in certain classes. This is not a threat, but we just don’t know how it will affect us as guild later on.
4.- General Activity Rules: We have quite strict activity rules that must be enforced because of the sole reason that WoW has a raid cap. We can’t afford having people with low activity filling up spots in the member list. However, we are giving people the benefit of the doubt. If you know you are not going to be able to play a lot during launch and have a good reason not to (1 month max), you might be given a 2nd chance when you are “fully” back. More information about activity here: http://forums.mortalis-guild.com/showthread.php?t=1414
As for the general activity rules we will be revising them, but the same applies.
Now lets get ready to own!
Guild Leader---Tual Masak--- of Mortalis .
Vamos... los casual no entran en un guild asi ni p'atras.
Y el WoW es MUY facil y eso lo hace MUY aburrido, yo aparque a mi war hace un par d meses, y pa q veais lo facil q es ir independientemente y ekiparse solo y conseguir pasta con las tradeskill y soleando...
Amos, sin NINGUNA AYUDA, unicamente questenado y haciendo tradeskill voy sobradisimo, x delante de mi lvl, me sobra la pasta y todo, y fijaos en el lvl, no es ningun alt ni nada xDDD, es el primer y unico char q me hice en la beta, tiene poco tiempo jugado, eso si... he hecho sprint asaco, unicamente haciendo lvl, quest, tradeskill en los downtime entre mob y mob. Pero amos, en poco tiempo me adelanto al lvl con la chusta war. Si el WoW en sus principios es facil... en cuanto tenga un par o 3 de meses los casual se aburriran muchisimo, xq no podran explorar mas, ekiparse mas x si solos ya q lo haran sobre la marcha y no podran entrar en un guild high end al ser casual. Yo x mi parte estoy esperando al juego final, a ver si lo sacan ya, q perder el tiempo en la beta askea >.<
No sera nada dificil meter el sprint en el juego final, lo q yo x mi parte lo veo muy crudo, xq desde hace unos meses me he vuelto mas casual q nadie en esto de los MMORPG xd