Por 1€ de impuestos que recauda Holanda, el resto de países de la UE pierden 4€.
Después los holandeses se las dan de dignos diciendo que los españoles e italianos son unos irresponsables, pero ellos nos roban miles de millones de euros en impuestos todos los años.
ResumenEU countries locked in negotiations over a recovery plan to help member states hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic have been revealed to be losing over $10 billion in corporate tax a year to the Netherlands. New analysis shows that the EU countries with the highest reported cases of Covid-19 have been the biggest historical losers of corporate tax to the Netherlands, which is currently a leading opponent to solidarity measures proposed by the EU.
. Instead of declaring profits in the EU countries where they were generated, US firms have shifted billions in profits into the Dutch tax haven each year ($44 billion in 2017) where corporate tax rates in practice can be under 5 per cent. This resulted in huge, yearly reductions in tax bills for some major US firms on their operations across the European Union. Tax losses were biggest in the four EU countries with the highest reported cases of Covid-19.
US firms booked more profit in the Netherlands alone than the rest of the EU, excluding the corporate tax havens of Ireland and Luxembourg. However, the Netherlands’ low effective tax rate and its frequent use as a conduit for profit shifting to other corporate tax havens like Bermuda, results in a huge transfer of wealth out of Europe and into the offshore bank accounts of the world’s richest corporations and individuals.
Básicamente casi todas las empresas multinacionales (especialmente las estadounidenses) así como las familias más ricas tributan en Países Bajos en lugar de en aquellos países de la UE donde operan o residen.
Esto es así ya que Países Bajos es el puente que les permite a estas mega corporaciones y multimillonarios transferir su riqueza a paraísos off-shore como las Islas Bermudas o las Islas Bahamas.
Después de robarnos miles de millones se niegan a arrimar el hombro con la mutualización de la deuda.
Esta es la gente con la que estamos encamados.