Notas Parche 2.4 ( Balanceo de Clases)



Resilience now increases your resistance to offensive dispel effects. At level 70, 494 resilience will roughly equal 15% resistance. (15% is cap)

  • Casters will now automatically attack hostile players with their wand by right clicking if they are not in melee range of their target.
  • A new spell called "Auto-wand" will be added to all casters. This spell can toggle on and off the new Auto-wand function and will work similarly to the hunters Auto-shot.

Racial Abilities

  • Undead's Will of the Forsaken now has a chance to fail.
  • All Priest racials are now trainable after a talent respec. Priests are limited to learning a maximum of two racials per respec. Priest racials are unlearned in a talent respec.

Battlegrounds and Arenas

  • A small bonus amount of honor is awarded to those who enter the battleground within 60 seconds of commencing and staying until the end.
  • In addition to 400 honor, the battleground daily quests also offer 2 marks of honor for their respective battleground.
  • Trinkets may now be changed while in the Arena, however the player must be out of combat to do so.


  • Cyclone now has a 10 second cooldown. In addition, the casting time for this spell will be reduced by 1 second, from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds cast time.
  • Regrowth cost reduced by 25%. In addition, Regrowth will now refresh all active HoT effects on the target.
  • Natural perfection is no longer dispellable.


  • Arcane shot no longer dispels.
  • New spell "Dispelling Shot" is now trainable. Dispelling Shot dispels 2 beneficial spells from an enemy player, and has a 10 second cooldown.
  • Bullets and arrows now stack up to 500.
  • Hunter pets new receive 20% of their master's resilience.


  • The mana cost on blink has been reduced by 50%. In addition, Improved Blink is removed and replaced by a new talent called "Improved Evocation"
  • New talent "Improved Evocation" now replaces Improved Blink in the Arcane tree. Improved Evocation reduces chance for Evocation to be pushed back by 50/100% and reduces * Cold Snap cooldown has been reduced to 6 minutes.


  • Retribution talent Fanaticism also now increases spell damage by 2/4/6/8/10% of your attack power.
  • Avenging wrath now increases healing done by 15% when active.
  • Repentance is now trainable. In addition, the talent Repentance is replaced with a new talent named "Zeal"
  • New retribution talent "Zeal". Zeal passively increases melee and spell haste ratings by 31.6. (2% haste)


  • All Priest racials are now trainable after a talent respec. Priests are limited to learning a maximum of two racials per respec. Priest racials are unlearned in a talent respec.
  • Desperate prayer now trainable for all priest and is no longer considered a Priest racial.


* Rogues can now Shadowstep to friendly players. However, this does not work on pets or summoned creatures.


  • Lightning Overload now has a 4 second hidden cooldown.
  • Enhancement talent Mental Quickness now also reduces the cooldown of all shocks by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds.
  • Earth shield now has a 50% chance to resist dispel. In addition, Earth Shield will now count as 3 seperate charges and each successful dispel will only remove 1 charge. Also, whenever an Earth Shield charge is dispelled, the target which originally had the buff will be healed for half of the healing value of that charge over 6 seconds.
  • Tremor Totem now does 2 damage to nearby party members on each of it's pulses in addition to it's original effect. (Removes sheep, blind, etc) <-- Totally useless if the sheeped or blinded party member is shielded, lol


  • Warlock pets now receive 20% of their master's resilience.
  • New talent "Otherworldly Engulfment" is added to the Destruction tree as a Tier 8 spell.
  • Otherworldly Engulfment removes the Warlock from danger and puts him/her into a fiery banished state. In this state, you cannot cast spells, you cannot receive heals, and your DoT spells will not do any damage. In addition, all physical and spell debuffs will be removed from you. When you leave this state and re-enter the original state, you will be granted a magical buff which increases spell haste by 10 for each second you were engulfed (lasts 20 seconds). This spell has a 6 minute cooldown and lasts 10 seconds. (Banished state has the same dispel mechanics as Ice Block)
  • Lifetap now reduces movement speed by 15% and lasts 5 seconds.


  • Berserker Stance now increases damage dealt by 5% and increases damage taken by 5%
  • Switching stances no longer triggers a global cooldown for other stances.
  • The rage cost of Intervene has been removed.
  • Ability Taught By Trainers - Reduces all spell damage taken by 15% for 10 seconds, but reduces the damage the warrior deals by 15%. 1 2 minute cool down, useable in all stances. (Credits to Inactive for this suggestion)



tio el de los rogues sta cortado y mezclado con el de xaman jajaja arreglalo q kiero leerlo xd

pd: ah y fuente


fuente o fake


estoy flipandoooo a estos de blizz se les ha ido la olla zomfg.

Lock con cubito?

cyclone cd 10seg?

hunter dispelleando 2 magics?

Priest racials?

Warrior -15% spell damage taken?

15% resi las pets de lock y hunter ?

No se, es todo muy raro viniendo de blizz. Casi todo eso son crys que he leido en foros ( menos el de lock y el de priest )


Fuente o FAKE :(


Tiene pinta de Fake el druida sale demasiado mal parado y todos sabemos ke el hijo de blizzard es Druida


Los raciales del priest es algo que si se esta pidiendo mucho xD

Y aunque no se si sera verdad, esta claro que algo se tiene que hacer con los dispells magics para todas las clases.

Al priest le tienen que meter algun beneficio/penalizacion al que dispelea, al igual que a las otras clases.


Al druida ten por seguro, que nerfearan alguno de sus cc.


Me lo semi-creeria (aunq tampoco mucho) si no fuera porq han puesto justo lo q se dijo en otro post de por aqui q hablaba de la entrevista a serennia.


feik liek a jaus


#6 sera un fake o no, pero si lo del regrowth es salir mal parado ... que nos continuen nerfeando por favor.


Huele a FAKE, no he encontrado ninguna web que ponga eso nisiquiera parecido.


JAJAJAJAJAJA no me lo creo xD.

Warlock pets now receive 20% of their master's resilience.

Demasiado weno para ser cierto pero como gracia esta bien xDDDDD

* Lifetap now reduces movement speed by 15% and lasts 5 seconds.


Para empezar bli jamas pondria unas notas escritas de semejante manera y para terminar hacen realidad miles de crys cosa ke bli tampoco hace xDDDD (lo del nerf del WotF me ha matao jajajaja)


Yo creo que es fake.


si por lo que sea no es fake..
* Arcane shot no longer dispels.
se pedia a gritos..


me mola lo mucho que han "mejorado" el rogue


#14 hola?

  • New spell "Dispelling Shot" is now trainable. Dispelling Shot dispels 2 beneficial spells from an enemy player, and has a 10 second cooldown.

edit: fake plx?


yo ia lo leí en otro foro y me parece fake fake


Nose si sera fake, pero los cambios tendrian sentido.


El tema #16 que cuando te meten el arcane shot aparte de que tiene poco CoolDown hace daño, por ejemplo el otro día estaba echando pvp me tire ice barrier y el hunter me lanzo el arcane shot, me quito la icebarrier y me quito todo el daño, no sé si me explico.

Añadiendo un nuevo shot de estos, lo que consigues es que tenga global cooldown en las otras skills y gaste mana para tirarlo.

O eso creo :S


pfff espero que sea fake,porque al priest raciales y nada mas? enfin los shadow ala basura.


Loladines Loll


#19 ajo y agua yo no me explico que un warlock me pueda tener en fear media hora mientras toy petado de pegatas tampoco me explico lo que mete el mago frost a ice lance y si empiezo a llorar me quedo solo xD.


hay demasiados errores léxicos, el fake canta a la milla.


yo cuando he leido el nerf de la racial undead ya me lo estaba oliendo,y mas aun cuando petan mas al druida y al lock xdd lo que faltaba ya xd.


Una pena que sean fake, los cambios de druida (y soy druida) me encantan (si, solo hago PvE :P).


oh noes rouges con intervene


fake, deje de leer en el titulo: "balanceo de clases"

  • Tremor Totem now does 2 damage to nearby party members on each of it's pulses in addition to it's original effect. (Removes sheep, blind, etc) <-- Totally useless if the sheeped or blinded party member is shielded, lol

juas xD


Ojalá sea cierto, lock destro ftw!


#26 ya ves, han arreglado TOTALMENTE lo del HARP poniendo intervene para alejarte del enemigo cuando tienes el buff de 20% de dmg.

pd: fake

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