League of Legends League of Legends

Tema Resp. Lect. Usuarios Activ.
4 Nov '20 650 ratedx LetsgoHamau Nov '20
16 Oct '20 1.2K ratedx Disbalanced Oct '20
5 Oct '20 1.1K ratedx melonz Oct '20
32 Oct '20 1.6K ColdZimeh Cruzer Oct '20
2 Oct '20 1.6K ratedx sashazr Oct '20
4 Oct '20 948 ratedx dynamic Oct '20
27 Sep '20 2.1K ratedx Rito_Tryhard Sep '20
0 Sep '20 914 ratedx   Sep '20
65 Sep '20 3.4K ratedx ErChuache Sep '20
11 Sep '20 1.7K ratedx Tatsuya_Suou Sep '20
0 Sep '20 612 ratedx   Sep '20
17 Ago '20 1.1K ColdZimeh ErChuache Ago '20
5 Ago '20 644 ratedx MaPaCHe Ago '20
6 Ago '20 1.1K ratedx ErChuache Ago '20
20 Ago '20 1.9K thrazz Dennn Ago '20
9 Ago '20 888 thrazz pIJAS Ago '20
12 Jul '20 1.5K thrazz Galaik Jul '20
36 Jul '20 3.4K thrazz GreatKingRat Jul '20
39 Jul '20 2K ColdZimeh PiTu- Jul '20
20 Jul '20 1.9K thrazz zeTman Jul '20
7 Jul '20 885 thrazz LetsgoHamau Jul '20
14 Jul '20 1.7K thrazz lGeaRl Jul '20
5 Jun '20 857 thrazz LetsgoHamau Jun '20
8 Jun '20 1.1K thrazz TheDamien Jun '20
2 Jun '20 831 ColdZimeh Andrecico Jun '20
0 May '20 556 thrazz   May '20
59 May '20 2.9K ColdZimeh Konegg May '20
21 May '20 1.9K thrazz BernyMoon May '20
0 May '20 528 thrazz   May '20
45 Abr '20 3.2K thrazz Treecko Abr '20
37 Abr '20 2.3K thrazz Rito_Tryhard Abr '20
8 Mar '20 2.6K 1nformat1c0 Alatriste84 Mar '20
48 Feb '20 2.1K Ragest   Feb '20
5 Feb '20 667 Kingu Ryok Feb '20
49 Feb '20 3.1K ColdZimeh lGeaRl Feb '20
3 Feb '20 800 ColdZimeh -OnE- Feb '20
32 Feb '20 2.4K ColdZimeh ReFluXeD Feb '20
4 Feb '20 850 thrazz R Feb '20
19 Feb '20 1.5K Kingu MoonKai Feb '20
12 Ene '20 817 ColdZimeh kingsora Ene '20
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