Desde Oct '12 Último post Jun '23 Visto 2h OjouSama

“Logic is always extreme. The ignorant masses are terrified of that extremity and live under a vague but warm self-comfort. To them, the truth is like a cold snowy wind, so if they are hit by it on their bare skin, they will freeze and die. Therefore, they cover themselves with rags layered with hypocrisy and deception. Believing that those rags are clothes. But unaware that, in truth, that was their skin.”


Nerviosillo Ene '23
Me alegro ^^
La mía va estupenda, aunque se echa de menos el rollito chulo que había en el IRC xD

Pues a seguir disfrutandolo!
Nerviosillo Ene '23
Que recuerdos al ver tu avatar en el hilo del FE xD
¿Cómo te trata la vida?
JayJayJay Oct '22
Dark-Life May '22
Anoche me puse nostalgico y me puse a ver hilos viejos, joder el foro esta muuuuuuy muerto. Tu que tal estas? Que sabes de maven?
  • Desde Oct '12
  • Último post Jun '23
  • Visto 2h
  • OjouSama
  • Touhou Project
  • Tomodachis
  • Chocoslovakia